Left 4 Dead 2 Game play

There is nothing more satisfying as a gamer in my opinion than wading your way threw a horde of mindless brain eaters with a sharp sword laughing maniacally. When I was younger, me and my friends used to spend countless hours slashing and blasting away. We would attend Left 4 Dead tournaments as often as we could, and even managed to win once. It was an awesome game to play as a team, and even better you took turns being the good guys, and the bad guys. It was pure genius for it's time and made for incredibly compelling game play. I still think the game has a lot of life left in it and find myself drawn back to it time after time despite owning and enjoying more modern zombie slashers like Dying Light.

Perhaps one of my favorite things about the Left 4 Dead series is that is available on all the major gaming platforms. The lack of cross-platform play is regrettable but both L4D and L4D2 are rather mature titles (speaking both in content and date of release) and for whatever strange reason cross-platform play seems to be technically rather difficult to manage. Perhaps one-day they will back-date these games for cross-platform although it is far more likely that they will simply port the levels into the engine for L4D3 which we can all agree had better support cross-platform play.

I don't like to fan the flames of the console vs. PC war because I love gaming on both, but currently most of my titles are on Steam and I do prefer to play on PC when possible. For those that may be curious my computers specs are as follows:

AMD-FX 8320 @ 4.2 ghz
16 GB DDR3 1866 RAM
256 GB SSD
1TB HDD @ 7200 rpm

LG 34UC79G-B Display

It's not the strongest PC on the field but it has more than enough power to bring this classic back from the dead, and with the UHD display the zombie brains have never been more real!

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