This is why Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 was the last GREAT Call of Duty - ImNutty

In recent years, it's fairly obvious that the Call of Duty franchise has fallen off significantly since the great classics such as Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3, Black Ops 1, and 2, and of course the all the time greatest, World at War.


And in my honest opinion, one of my personal favorite games in the franchise, Black Ops 2, was the last GREAT Call of Duty in the series, and I'll tell you why.

Now, this review will be very brief, it is 100% my opinion, if you don't agree that is perfectly OK, but this is what I believe, and this is why I write these posts.

Here is a brief rundown of the most recent Call of Duty games:

Black Ops 2: Love how well it blended its futuristic elements and yet didn't shoot too far into the future, the game still integrates boots on the ground combat. Campaign-wise, not bad. The branching element felt like something CoD games needed to put into their future installments. Multiplayer was refreshing to play. Zombies still as good. The last good game.

Ghosts: EW. Multiplayer was a bore, with maps the size of your mom. Campaign ended on a cliffhanger…??? and ghosts 2 won’t happen in a while, so no. They also had “Extinction” mode, which was just the Treyarch Zombies mode with Aliens.

Advanced Warfare: This was when the straws began to pile on the camel’s back. So many flaws. The futuristic element, a campaign that felt somewhat forgettable, but alright. Gameplay wasn’t overall too bad. The Bal-27 was broken in multiplayer. Exo Survival was a bore.

Black Ops 3: HIGHLY OVERRATED JUST BECAUSE IT’S A TREYARCH GAME. Campaign was shit compared to Black Ops 2. Multiplayer was just robot ninjas exo fly jumping with baseball bats and katanas. Zombies was meh at best.

Infinite Warfare: THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL’S BACK. Three straight futuristic games????

World War 2: Just mediocre. You can tell that they’re trying to bring it back to older days.

Black Ops 4: Treyarch didn’t get the memo from Cod WWII. Also, battle royale? Seriously? The mode’s already dying.

That basically sums up the fact that in this writers opinion, Black Ops 2 was the last GREAT Call of Duty.

As always, if you enjoyed, or even if you didn't agree with my claim, that's perfectly fine, but I love writing these and promoting my Youtube channel, so it would mean a lot if you stopped by it and subscribed :)

I hope you all have a great rest of your day :)

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