My Experience Playing Mount & Blade: War Band for the First Time in 2017

I was hesitant to purchase this game at first, due to its age and not hearing much about it I did not expect much from it.

Upon entering the tutorial I was presently surprised by the combat system, it was a lot more fun than I anticipated.

The games combat system had a variety of attacks including: ranged, melee, and horse warfare.


After finishing the tutorial I joined the kingdom of Vaegris, I quickly began making a name for myself as a 13th century adventurer. Wondering through the plains attacking looters and bandits for gold, in order to gain some wealth and status in the realm.

I amassed a following of 24 men killing looters and bandits alike.



Victory after victory my men and I became more powerful and gained wealth. Calradia will soon be mine for the taking and all kingdoms shall bow to me.

As of now I'm still in the midst of my first play-through of this game and have been incredibly immersed in the story of the world. The gameplay and story make this game incredible, I am eager to try out the multiplayer feature in the future.

If you have not yet played this game I highly recommend it, its one of the best games I've played in some years. It has a charm to it that is almost nonexistent in most new games.

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