holoz0r's A-Z of Steam: Consortium

Consortium is an interesting game. Unconventional, dated, and something that has a grand vision that doesn't quite translate to being a modern 3D game. It is closer to a universe.

You start the game and are met with a disclaimer. This isn't a game. It's a link to the consciousness of Bishop Six, a protagonist aboard a near future jumbo-jet flying fortress where you are quickly introduced to a dizzying array of characters, each with unique names, dialogue, voice acting, motives, and purpose.

Though you don't immediately know it - this is about as "Choose Your Own Adventure," as any game comes, making the "every choice matters" marketing of something like Detroit: Become Human look like a simple T-Junction.

There's obvious inspiration from Deus Ex here, as well - with crawl spaces, multiple paths to the same rooms, and an inventory system that is entirely modular, allowing you to augment your armour. There's even an energy weapons system reminiscent of Invisible War.

Consortium isn't a game that will wow you with its visuals, soundtrack, voice acting, textures, or combat. It is a game that will wow you through he sheer extent of its exhaustive dialogue trees, and world-building. Based in the "real" world (albeit a near future one), you're hearing about places like London, Turkey, and other regions - with a token Russian antagonist making an appearance in this title.

It holds a great suspension of disbelief, and there's a lot of intrigue as you quickly being engrossed in a murder mystery aboard this flying fortress. There's real drama between crew members, and you can choose to be a patronising son of a bitch, if you want to. Alternatively, you can choose to not do things by the book, and deal with the consequences.

There's also so many chess references. Not only are you "Bishop Six", but the other crew members are referred to as Rooks, Knights, Pawns, Queens, Kings, just like the pieces on a chess board.

Consortium is just the first in a series of games, with the next title in the sequence being in Early Access, starting wherever you left off in Consortium and one of its many endings.

The video I've uploaded shows the first hour or so of game play - and is dialogue heavy. Very dialogue heavy. The game doesn't hold your hand throughout - and there's little combat beyond the failed elements in my video - but there's a lot of content here, and decent replay value.

Think Mass Effect, Think Deus Ex, Think Detroit: Become Human, Think of really hardcore science fiction set in the future a few years from now. But don't think polished, triple A video game. Think independent project with tremendous amounts of potential.

If it wasn't for the next installment costing $35.95AUD on Steam for an early access version - I'd consider picking up the next episode "The Tower", but I feel as though this is slightly out of my price range for a title of such ambition. Were it more polished, I'd be happy to give this game a wholesome, and hearty recommendation.

If you can pick this up on sale, do so. Just be prepared to give it your full attention - it is certainly no pedestrian game.

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