Is steemit dead?

It's been a long time since I posted on here so if this message doesn't reach anyone I won't be surprised.

If however you are still active and are keeping the steemit community alive I salute you.

Since the fall of bitcoin over a year ago Steem value has continued to decrease and it seems less and less people are talking about crypto currency.

I was introduced to steemit by a work colleague who was convinced it was the next best thing, a way for us to quit our jobs and make it rich writing and blogging about things we love.

I was lucky enough to be backed by a whale who frequently liked my posts and generated a lot of traction for me resulting in very early success.

Unfortunately good things don't last forever and my whale investor swam away to another dolphin who needed help. This resulted in my post no longer being seen and no traction for my profile. I stopped making money and the fun just seemed to stop.

It's a shame because I had put a lot of time and effort into my brand and profile and even invested my own money to keep things moving.

A lot has changed in my life since then and I'd love to get back involved with the community and start posting again.

If you are reading this my question to you is...

Is steemit dead?

Thank you all for your support smash that upvote button and leave a comment if you like this post, resteem if your friends will.

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