EOS Knights Strategy Guide - Magic Water and Pets

Since I couldn't finish up the entire guide in one post, here's the second part. You can find the beginner's guide here and the first part of the strategy guide here. The first one was about crafting and items, this time I want to cover the best ways to manage your magic water (MW) and what to do with pets. I'll start with the latter.


Pets accompany your knights once they've "adopted" them; every knight can have at most one pet. Adopted pets don't do much except for improving the stats of the respective adopting knight, which is actually pretty powerful by itself. The best and highest-level pets can bump up your knights' stats by more than 1000, so they actually are an important part of the game.

When you get started, make sure you get a pet per knight, no matter which one at first.

The different pets

There's 24 different pets, divided into 4 rarities. I won't mention them all, but it total there are

  • 8 "normal" pets
  • 8 "rare" pets
  • 4 "unique" pets
  • 4 "legendary" pets

Unlike for items, there aren't any ancient pets (yet).

I'm not listing all the pets because they're mostly generic. Normal pets just improve one of your knights' stats, rare and unique pets do that with two stats, whereas legendary ones improve 3 stats.

Getting pets

There's just one way to acquire pets, and that is via the "Pet Gacha". Tap on the lottery ticket symbol above the list of pets to get to the following screen:


The general gacha tickets can get only get you normal, rare and unique pets, while the advanced gacha also has a chance to get you legendary ones and you don't get normal ones. The x5 tickets weirdly don't give you any advantage in terms of price; it's simply a convienence feature so you don't need to spam the network too much.

The chances to get pets of the respective rarity are displayed in the header. For advanced gacha, as there are no normal ones, the drop rates need to be normalized accordingly:

  • Rare 88.392%
  • Unique 11.05%
  • Legendary 0.005%

I didn't get a single legendary one, yet. They seem to be really seldom ;-)

When you're starting off, it makes sense to buy a bunch of general gacha tickets to fill up your slots. Once you start getting more MW, buy only advanced ones.


Just like items, you can level up your pets. This is also very important. This is the number of duplicates of one pet you need to be able to level up:

  • 1 -> 2: 1 pet
  • 2 -> 3: 2 pets
  • 3- > 4: 4 pets
  • 4 -> 5: 12 pets
  • 5 -> 6: 20 pets

6 is the maximum level.

You can already tell that you'll need a lot of MW to buy enough gacha tickets to get all your pets leveled up.

Leveling up in addition also costs MW. This isn't much compared to the tickets, but will accumulate, as well. For example, leveling a normal pet from 3 to 4 will cost you 80 MW.

Make sure you level a core team of pets so they can do expeditions effectively; the higher the level, the more MW you get from expeditions.


You can send your pets on expeditions. You should make sure you always have the maximum number of pets on expedition in order to maximize your MW and material inflow. At the highest level, you can send 4 pets on expedition simultaneously, and as they need to rest (resting takes the same time as the expedition itself), you need 8 pets dedicated to expeditions only, plus 3 for your knights.

Magic water

As you've seen from the first part and the pet section, you'll need a lot of magic water (MW) to keep moving forward. If you don't want to spend heaps of EOS to buy MW, you need to utilize all sources of MW.

  • Fighting: You get an amount of MW whenever you rebirth. The higher the luck, the more MW a knight produces per rebirth. Also, the MW you get per killed goblin increases with each floor, so if you want to optimize for MW, let your knights fight until all of the have died in battle
  • Trashing material and items: It generally makes more sense to trash the material instead of trashing items you've crafted from them. Only trash items if you can't sell them on the marketplace. The same actually applies to material - selling material for EOS and buying MW for EOS afterwards is generally favorable over trashing them. However, not all material can effectively be sold on the market, so these are the best candidates to trash
  • Expeditions: See above
  • Buying MW: You probably will buy MW at some point, maybe because you've previously sold enough items / material. Make sure you get the biggest package (40000 MW for 3.2 EOS), as this gives you a juicy 20% discount
  • Referral: Make sure to post your EOS account name under this post to get a free 1000 MW for being referred by me; I'll get 1000, as well

What else?

I think I covered pretty much the entire game. After six weeks of playing I must say it's getting a bit tedious and progress is slowing down, so the game consists of mostly waiting, selling a few items and waiting more until I've got enough material or can afford to buy a new / better item. I'm not willing to spend a lot of EOS to bump up my equipment, so this is what it is. The good news is that once you got some good equipment for your knights, it pays off to keep on playing, because you can sell your stuff on the market for profit. E.g., once you get above floor 200 you have a chance of dropping legendary material which currently sells between 0.7 and 1.3 EOS. Not bad for a game. This kind of stickyness also reflects in the user statistics, which are consistently growing as per DappRadar.

Apart from that, the makers of the game (Bada Studios) have introduced Craft Challenges. These challenges last 24 hours and the goal is to get as many items of a specific configuration as possible. Example:

  • Get a 0% level 5 Predator's Great Sword

If you get more of them, the better. A 100 EOS prize pool is distributed among all users who get at least one of them.

The interesting dynamic is that this generally causes these items in price on the marketplace, as they are needed to synthesize to level 5. Even more impressively, the material needed to craft the respective item sells at much higher prices, in the example above this may be pyrite, which suddenly sold as a high as 0.02 EOS. Watch out for these opportunities to make an extra buck.

Let me know if you have any questions, if there's anything missing or you think something in the guide was wrong.

Enjoy playing!

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