Final Fantasy 14 first dungeon - Sastasha

I think one of the best aspects of really any MMO out there are the dungeons or instances that are like dungeons. Open world run-around gets old to anyone and the dungeons in this MMO are particularly beautiful. The very first one you encounter in this game around level 15 is named Sastasha.


Getting into this dungeon unfortunately isn't as easy as just turning up there and walking in. You have to proceed through the quest line in order to be granted access. This is a bit of a problem in my eyes because unless you look this up online it isn't obvious at all that is is what you are supposed to do to get in there. Even when you speak to the guy who is at the entrance to the dungeon he mentions the name of a quest that you have to complete called "It's probably Pirates"... and that is all the information you get. Perhaps there is a way to look up where the hell you are supposed to get said quest from but I am not aware of it. I'm not an expert. Anyway, the dungeon is fun.


You get into your group of what is bound to be complete strangers and head off into the cave. Since this game is many years old there is probably very little chance that everyone is brand new and that can be a good and a bad thing. Good because someone will know where to go and bad because some people might just want to skip past everything to the end. It depends on your perspective I guess.

This dungeon is EXCEPTIONALLY easy. I can only compare it to Guild Wars 2 where the dungeons are so inexplicably difficult that you wont succeed unless you know certain tricks. In a way i think that FInal Fantasy does this better because Guild Wars dungeons are honestly, entirely too difficult even at maximum level. In this dungeon the players are allowed in at a mere level 15.

Sastasha is so easy in fact that unless the healer was asleep it is virtually impossible to lose. I've been through the dungeon 15 times or so and no one has ever even died - or come close to dying.


The final boss named Denn the Orcatoothed (yeah, i looked that up) is fun and very nicely animated. Actually everything in the dungeon is nicely animated and I also have no complaints about camera angles etc. It is a very polished instance area and I really enjoy doing it many times.

video by NeoZero23

Keep in mind that Final Fantasy is as cheap as it is likely to ever be right now and you are able to bypass the monthly subscription fee if you are a new user. If you need a new MMO, I am liking this one more as time goes by. Just don't choose the healer class because it is a horrible beginner class as it takes for-EVER to kill anything. :P

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