Age of Barbarian: not a good game

This game was gifted to me on Steam by a friend of mine and I had to contact him later and ask him why he did that.


When I spoke to him later he finally told me that he gets bundles from Steam and sometimes he doesn't want all the games he gets (I don't have any idea how this works,) A long time ago I had been talking to him about a game called "Rastan" that was in arcades when i was a kid and this game was crazy difficult and i kept playing it even though i was terrible at it. I suppose Rastan tried to capitalize on the success of Conan and somehow got away with basically copying his image.

This is Rastan, not Age of Barbarian - this was from the 80's

Rastan isn't the point of this article though, Age of Barbarian is. I can't really find a great deal of information about this game online and I only played it for the first 3 levels or so. I suspect that many people play this game because one of the character choices is a princess who wears almost nothing. I suppose that is enough for some people but if i wanna look at naked ladies it is my understanding that a fair amount of the internet is dedicated to precisely that.

completely impractical attire for fighting giant monkey warriors

The controls are just awful as well as slow to respond. There are also very few attack options at first. You get more attack options as you level up but really, you end up using the basic ones most of the time. So you have high strike, low, strike, jump, and block. I guess you don't really need more than that but just about the only thing that keeps the game interesting is the gore. I suppose the voice acting isn't terrible, but it isn't great either. I don't know how much this game costs but if it is more than say $10, i would be surprised. I can't really recommend this game to anyone though - unless you really really really like Conan.

Well, i will give it some pluses. The deaths are pretty brutal and that is fun if you like the sort of thing and the writing in the story is so bad that it is actually good in a "B-movie" sort of way. Plus it is fantasy, and that is always fun.

I can't give them game much because the controls are just frustratingly bad and the lack of variety in movement just makes the game really difficult to play.

4 / 10

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