Plague is coming

I’d like just to share few words about amazing remake of amazing video game called Pathologic, originally published back in 2005 by russian game studio Ice Peak Lodge. That was one of the most remarkable and unusual projects of those times.

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The story is incredibly psychodelic and frustrating. Three different characters and a beautiful but making your blood cold at the same time — the City. Unknown and horrifying plague starts to spread around the city and peoples’ minds as a sort of alive creature with its own thoughts and ambitions.

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What is the real cause of the City is dying? Plague? Ones’ cruelty? Bad luck or an evil spirit from forgotten steppes surrounding the City as a predator, already knowing for sure that it’s prey won’t get anywhere from here.

The choice is yours.

Remake was announced in December 2013. Ice Peak Lodge team has collected more than 250,000 USD during two weeks on Kickstarter. Demo version of the game called Marble Nest is already available on Steam.

The original post was written by me on Medium:

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