There is a problem with steemit

I love steemit. I started about two weeks ago, and I have made some money. The difference between statement and YouTube is I can make money right now on steemit. There is some problems with steemit that I hate. The first thing I hate about steemit is the follower rule. To anyone new the follower rule is that you follow a guy and he follows you back. The problem with that rule is that people follow to many people. Some people follow 100, 1,000 , and even 5,000 people. What I hate about that is when a person follows me and other people, he cannot see any of your posts or mine because he follows so many people that also post stuff. Your posted stuff and mine would be in a spam of other peoples posts which is bad because, he will never be able to see it and upvote it. I have 40 followers, 85 posts, and I had (25). Sadly I get barely no upvotes. When I get upvotes it is about two per post and they are not my followers they are random people that notice me on steemit. One guy who was very nice gave me a upvote on three of my posts and I got a $1.00 each for it. My thing also raised from (25) the (32), but no one looks at my stuff and it lowered to (19) which sucks. I am trying to get $2,000 to get a better pc and a editing software to make professional videos for everyone to watch but that might take years. For all I know no one will care to look at this post and I will get only 2 upvote on this. I work so hard, and I get nothing in return. Also the money is lowering slowly. I hope that's not the company cheating me and hoping that I will not notice. Okay if anyone saw me upvote me and tell your friends about me. The money you give me is going to a good cause and that is entertainment for all of you.

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