The creator of Counter Strike was arrested for having sex with a minor

Shock in the global Counter-Strike community following the arrest of the creator of the game. The gaming company Valve suspended him from his job

Jess Cliff, one of the original creators of the game Counter-Strike, was arrested on suspicion of having a forbidden relationship with a minor. Cliff spent most of the weekend in custody and was released a few hours ago on bail of $ 150,000.

In 1999, Cliff created along with another game developer named Min La, Mode for the Half-Life game, which made him a competitive fighting game. Valve, the maker of Half-Life, warmly adopted the counter-strike mode, released it as a separate game, and recruited Cliff as a full-fledged employee. Since then, Cliff has worked at Valve and helped her develop many games, including Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and the current version of his game, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

According to the evidence presented in the court hearing on the extension of the prison term, Cliff used a website to find sexual encounters and made contact with a minor under the age of 16. The two met several times and had full sex. According to Cliff's lawyer, his client had no way of knowing that she was a minor, and that the sexual relations were conducted with the full agreement of both sides. The lawyer demanded that Cliff be released immediately without any guarantee.

The judge was not persuaded by the allegations, and agreed to release Cliff on bail of $ 150,000. He claimed that according to the findings, Cliff was "a danger to society and the community." His trial is scheduled to resume later this week. Until Cliff's legal status was settled, Valve Company suspended him from work.

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