Video Games and the NEW WORLD ORDER


The Industry has been Controlled since the Beginning.

In 2015 my awakening process began, and with it came a new outlook on major industries such as music and entertainment. I began to see them as outlets for propaganda and social engineering. Platforms such as the music industry and Hollywood are obvious targets for people seeking control of the population. As time went on It became clear that the hidden hand has a role in a lot more than just these obvious places.

The first time I realized that it was more than just TV, Movies and Music was when I started looking at all of my old skateboarding clothing and merchandise. Many if not all of the companies had satanic or freemasonic symbolism throughout their entire existence. This eventually led me to look at video games from a more critical perspective.

There is no question in my mind regarding the possibility of video games being used to brainwash their target audience.
All one would need to do is look at the biggest two video game franchises in history: Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto. The two major agendas being pushed with these games are joining the military and becoming a criminal. Both of these games feature Illuminati symbolism such as pyramids with all seeing eyes. Call of Duty has an installment called "Black Ops 2" which features a character named Mason and has a quote containing "The numbers Mason, Thats all we've ever wanted." During this scene there is a depiction of MK Ultra type experimentation taking place on the main character. It is my understanding that the name Black Ops is truth hiding in plain sight. In my opinion these video games are government psychological operations being conducted on the unsuspecting youth.


In my earlier days I thought of video game publishers as small unknown people who depend on sales to gain influence. I now see it completely different. When looking back to the very beginning, video games have always included satanic and occult themes. One of the most popular video games of all time, as well as one of the very first FPS games, DOOM, is a story about a future mars colony unlocking a portal to hell and unleashing demons into this realm. Some of the agendas in these video games are multi-faceted. Space travel, portals to hell, violence, etc.

It is now obvious that video games don't get popular due to the quality of the game, but due to the exposure that the game gets. A game from a low budget amateur publisher isn't going to take off and get popularity if it isn't covering the required agendas to do so.

Many of the reoccurring ideas and agendas being pushed in video games from the time of their inception are:
*Outer space travel
*Alien invaders
*Occult themes
*Apocalyptic societies
*Overbearing government


In more recent years I am seeing a "futurism" push with video games. I am seeing a lot of hinting at one world governments and cashless societies. A lot of new games are including cyborg type characters referencing the mixing of man and machine. An important thing that comes along with this is the feeling of sympathy for non human characters like robots. The storylines of these games are constantly trying to get people emotionally concerned with a cyborg type character.

Another recent phenomenon in video games is political/social topics being implemented simply for the sake of political correctness. Such as a game with two lesbian main characters where they make multiple comments putting down men. Ten years ago this would be unheard of in a video game, but because of where things have been going, nobody thinks twice about it. A perfect example of the ridiculous lengths these video game developers are willing to go is a soon to be released World War Two game that is going to feature female characters. The game is going to have a female fighter on the cover and mainly cover her story. The same developer recently made a World War One game which featured an African American solider on the cover. This isn't to say that African American men didn't fight in WW1 and women in WW2, but the developers are clearly trying to hide the white men from the story when they were by far the biggest demographic in both of these wars.


There are still video games out there that are worth playing, but the majority of games coming from major developers are propaganda and brainwashing. At the surface level we can see the agendas being promoted, but we can only speculate what other types of techniques are being implemented on us when playing these games. For all we know there are subliminal messages being used to program our subconscious while we are playing Madden. The point is we know these people are controlled, we know they are being used to promote agendas, why would we want to support them? In recent years it is becoming more and more obvious that the major video game franchises are taking advantage of their customers. Games that used to be known for being innovative and original are pumping out the same game every year with small differences and kids keep buying it. I feel like we should be treating video games like everything else. There is no reason to stop playing them because of this understanding, but we should be choosing more wisely what games we are spending our money and time on. Some corporate video game company doesn't deserve $60 for a game with a cliché story packed with bullshit themes and agendas.

-Flat Earth Gaming

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