[REVIEW GAME] Character God of War 3 #4

By: @faridzuhri

Hello steemians everything, wherever you may be always in positive things, always healthy and move like the previous days. This very a bright afternoon I will review a game that I can say that is very popular and so very legendary especially for adult, which is none other than the God of War 3 which is certainly no stranger to the anime lovers. Let's see together !!

Of the few that have been there, there is one that emerged from Sony Santa Monica and one of their masterpieces in the era of the Playstation 3 first - God of War 3. A decision quite absurd actually, because they decided not to bring their first two series to the Playstation 4 and just focus on the third series. Can not be denied indeed, crowned as one of the best exclusive games in previous generations, gamers who switched from console competitors to the Playstation 4 can finally feel the charm of this one game. Promising better visualization and framerate quality, Sony Santa Monica also injects Photo Mode in this Remastered series. The struggle of a Remastered industrial company is not something foreign anymore in this game industry. Despite the many criticisms of gamers who see it merely as a developer and publisher effort to get super fast money, the data seems to indicate that such products are still sold in the market. Carrying the quality of visualization and framerate that is usually, better, Remastered games open the opportunity for gamers who have never tried the same game on the previous generation platform to enjoy it in more optimal quality.

Instead of sinking, in the midst of the current generation of console products that are still quiet, similar products just keep coming. So what will be given? Is the journey to return to end this world is worth trying again? This review will discuss it more deeply for you. From some of the focus that will be taken and processed in Remastered in God of War 3 and not the two previous series did invite big question marks. The decision to just do the Remastered process in God of War 3 and not the previous two series did invite big question marks. taking a stand and a decision from the third series in the Remastered process is very absurd. What is article? Because Sony Santa Monica actually had time to do the process Remastered for the first two series - God of War and God of War II from the Playstation 2 to Playstation 3 via God of War Collection, released November 2009 ago. All they need to do is actually "just" bringing these two series to the Playstation 4, and giving gamers a more complete experience for gamers as well as valid reasons why God of War deserves to be named as one of the best hack and slash action games ever. But unfortunately, they only do the Remastered process for God of War 3 only.

Character God of War 3

So on and then what should be passed and in the course of the risk? For gamers who switched from the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii consoles to the Playstation 4, God of War 3 Remastered will be very confusing. Just imagine, your journey directly opened with the action of Kratos and Gaia who was climbing to Mount Olympus, while fighting against the gods who are also not afraid. Just a few minutes later, you are instantly thrown into gameplay and tutorials without any chance of digesting what really happened. Sony Santa Monica does develop God of War 3 as a trilogy and keeps its story continuous from one series to another, making it a bit awkward for gamers to suddenly jump into the middle of the series without any background information at all.

Then from all those responses, Sony Santa Monica finally developed God of War as a trilogy with a continuous line of story. Imagine how confusing it is, if you watch a movie, and instantly jump to the last movie of the trilogy without tasting the two previous series. Then continues and continues to be developed by Sony Santa Monica developing God of War as a trilogy with a continuous story line. Imagine how confusing it is, if you watch a movie, and instantly jump to the last movie of the trilogy without tasting the two previous series. Then gamers who just switch the console to the Playstation 4 and are about to taste one of the best hack and slash games in history will end up with more confusion.

It is also not so problematic and does not seem to be mature by Sony Santa Monica when releasing God of War 3 Remastered into the market. Despite the fact that it is likely that their customers have never tasted this franchise before, God of War 3 Remastered really comes without extra content, even to help foreign gamers capture the story line better, more complete, and more accurately. Indeed, there is little re-cap at the beginning of the game, but it will not be enough to make you understand what really happened with Kratos, why he hates Zeus, what kind of trip he has taken to finally arrive at Olympus, and from where he gets all the power which he had from the beginning - like Icarus Wings, for example. It comes with minimal information, forcing ordinary gamers to search for information and fill the void itself. The priorities are questionable and unfortunate, of course.

Visual experience is so best and amazing. The experience is like the versions of Remastered games in general, it comes with visual and framerate improvements. As with most Remastered games, it comes with visual and framerate improvements. Likewise it also seems, a game does not deserve a predicate as a project "Remastered" without offering any visual improvement at all. Games like Metro 2033 even offer the use of new engines and improved gameplay mechanics through their charming Redux products. God of War 3 Remastered did not arrive at that stage. As with many other Remastered products, the selling value lies in the implementation of high definition textures, better resolution, and framerate more comfortable to enjoy. One that is certain, it enhances the epic experience that is already firmly attached to this franchise.

Enjoying a game version that produces 1080p / 60fps, it is definitely so very enjoyable.

Very clearly visible A very sharp detail that is clearly visible in the main characters. a p [the struggle may not be visible early in the game. But along with the progress, where you meet more characters and dive into the wider God of War 3 world, you can see Sony Santa Monica's "real work". All the details look better and sharper, with textures - especially characters that now look much better than previous generation versions. Light, lighting, and shadow effects are also enhanced. Despite having to get used to a fixed and non-replaceable camera, playing God of War 3 at 1080p / 60fps resolution is still the epic imaginable.   maybe so also with you, you will still see the character model with low resolution at some point game. Especially concerning enemies or settings that are considered not too important.

From some of the effects seen at the time of the attack which also still felt stiff. But not so, like other Remastered products, you will meet many "non-essential" settings and characters that are still visible using low-resolution textures. Not noticeable indeed, but be clear evidence, that Sony Santa Monica does give its own priority for certain characters and environmental models only. From Detail Photo Mode, it's so perkpak become one of the features that can not be missed from the Remastered games today. With the unstoppable popularity of social media, the opportunity to share your epic moments, or just trigger creativity to capture cool pictures at the right moment starts to slide a key feature that is hard to resist. Sony Santa Monica offers the same features in God of War 3 Remastered. But unfortunately, with certain limitations.

Character God of War 3

A process of a fixed camera gameplay for God of War 3 Remastered has also affected the Photo Mode you get. Unlike games like The Last of Us Remastered, Infamous: Second Son, or The Order 1886 that allows you to rotate the camera and capture images from any angle, God of War 3 Remastered closes the option. Pressing the left-hand touch pad as an access, you will only be provided with zoom buttons (in great distances), frame effects, filter effects, and blooms with no chance of adjusting the camera angle at all. What's on your screen, that's what you get. If you include a gamer who had dreamed to string up the epic action of Kratos from various cinematic angles, does not mean the Photo Mode function is then turned into bad. Fixed Camera that incorporates God of War 3 as a guarantee that almost all of your action angles will look cinematic, especially from QTE session, every time you take a picture. Another plus, you can still go into Photo Mode and take pictures in so fast and precisely, even in non-FMV cut-scenes though. The result? All the brutal acts of Kratos and all of his remarkable Dewa War "acrobat" movements you can catch and share via social media. There are many things you can do with this mode, regardless of the limitations that it has.

Of all that is, there is only one thing that makes God of War 3 Remastered feel more special, especially for Indonesian gamers, regardless of all the features and content that he offers from the side of the gameplay. If you purchased a Blu-Ray version of Reg 3 from some existing seller, you will find that the cover of this game turned out to be two-way. You can flip and use the other side of the cover as the case cover. Is not this commonly done by many games, such as MGS V: Ground Zeroes for example? But for this time, in God of War 3 Remastered, one side of the cover again filled with full of Indonesian language. Furthermore, what is done by Sony gives a wave of optimism. Why? Because for the first time, after being "underestimated" by gaming developers and publishers anywhere in the world, a giant company - Sony, is finally beginning to look at Indonesia. Because Indonesia is as a field that has been associated as a third-class country with "malignant" piracy is beginning to improve its own image. We do act "just" as a market, but such recognition becomes essential for gamers in Indonesia, especially regarding our identity. This is the first step. We are one step closer to getting a better recognition as an entity.

Character God of War 3


From the game, I will conclude some that can be deduced from God of War 3 Remastered this? Despite the fact that you get a better epic experience from the visual and framerate side, this release does not feel significant, especially if you've tasted God of War 3 in the era of Playstation 3 first. There is no new content, Photo Mode is present as the only selling point, and no innovation on the gameplay side makes its target market clear - it is intended for gamers who have never tasted this game at all in the past. But just a reminder for gamers who have not played God of War 1 and 2, you should take the time to read the premise of the existing story before switching to God of War 3 Remastered this. Otherwise, this game will offer more question marks, than clear answers to satisfy and pamper you.

Character God of War 3

Only this can be given for this monday afternoon, hopefully with this I hope to be a reference sharing that has not played this game. As for my opinion about this game is still interesting to play because it has features and visuals despite having a storyline that is not interesting to me. Hopefully useful and once again can provide useful game reference.

Thank You Speaking to the Indonesian Steemit Curator Special to Kurai @aiqabrago and @levycore, and the Gaming Curator @ jodipamungkas who has supported me to be able to channel my hobby to my Steemian friends in Indonesia.

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