NINJA ARASHI game review

Get ready for a game review!! I've searched searched and searched for a new game to play on my mobile phone, and finally i found one. Not a new one though, no not at all.

After i searched almost the whole store for a good enough game to take my mind off things for a while, finally i remembered a previous game my brother used to play, a very challenging and adventurous game.


black panther studios

Just the picture alone shows how bad Ass this game is. If you totally love Ninjas, then this is definitely for you.


This is a shadow ninja game.
You'll be playing as arashi a retired ninja warrior, who takes up his sword once again to avenge his fallen son, and people. His people we're all killed by a demon who just escaped his fowl prison and sought revenge on the one who put him there Arashi.

Get soaked in this life changing experience. Of slashing cutting and jutsu's.


Immediately you enter into the game the picture above is what you'll see, this is what i call mission selection. Another reason why i love this game is the fact that they're lots of really challenging missions to try out. This being the beginning and first level. Which has different missions to accomplish.


This is another level (level 2) this also has its stages and challenges, never tire as you must desperately search for the demon who ruined it all.


In this level seen in the picture above, like all other levels you would have to take you time and patience to collect ancient scrolls. As the number of scrolls you collect will determine and unlock the next level.

So look out for scrolls from level one, seek through missions well. You'll definitely see them well hidden.


This is the final stage, as you can see it only has one mission. This is where you'll encounter the demon who caused all those chaos, and finally end him for good.



You might think this game won't be dope cause of how it looks, but think again. That's what i thought at first until i played it.


Though he has a lot of moves and attacks, i was able to screenshot just this, cause his moves are really fast like a ninja. Here he turns himself into a tree trunk to hide and keep himself from danger, his highest level of stealth.



In all games there will always be a place to get more gear suit up and upgrade attacks, likewise this game.

On the left side of the screen is where you can upgrade you attacks while on the right side is the shop to get more gold and gems too. Though the shop might require real money to get more gold and gems, the one on the right needs only gold to upgrade attacks.

The left part


This is the attack i love the most, an attack similar to Narutos very fast and unstoppable. I wish i could screenshot this, but it was just too fast. Something to note though, while performing this attack be wise so as not to land in a bad place.


Like its said on the picture above, this is Arashi's most basic attack, throwing shurikens at enemies, upgrading this attack will ensure faster shurikens throw.


This is a passive technique which increases your health and defences with each upgrade.


This is very popular among the ninjas, it's called Hensojutsu. This is done by ninjas, using this technique they can easily morph into an object, but it always has a time limit. I don't really like this technique, but it's good at keeping you undetected.

The right part


This is what i like to call an online shopping mall. You can get all your diamonds and gold for real money.This area is for the millionaires .


  • This game is fully offline

  • Can be gotten on play store for free

  • In app purchases are allowed that's if you want though

  • All screenshots are gotten from my mobile phone


my console bleeds

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