The Long Dark Game Review

Hello everyone, and welcome. In today's review we are going to take a look to one of my favorite survival titles, The Long Dark. As a game it is still in Early Access but that is not something to discourage you from buying it. I bought the game about 1 year ago and i have a few hundreds of hours playing having fun and still not been able to survive in its most difficult level. 

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The game mechanics

As with every survival title, you have guessed correctly the purpose is to survive. The concept of the game is that a solar storm have fried all electronics on the planet, you were on board a plane and crushed somewhere in the freezing Canada and you have to survive by scavenging what people left behind. There are no zombies to try and kill you, just mother nature, the freezing weather as well as her lovely animals. Wolfs are going to hunt you on sight while killing them is going to be a challenge even later in the game. Bears are a different story, difficult to kill and if you are attacked and been hit by one you are definitely dead. Blizzards are a very big challenge, if you are playing in normal difficulty they would be the main reason of you dying after a few in game days, mainly because you will feel like you got this but, no you don't. 

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What makes Long Dark different

I am not sure if it is the HUD that is simple(which is perfect for a survival game), that you are tired by doing staff and need to sleep and eat frequently or that nature is depicted perfectly as a psycho killer. Maybe its that music that makes you feel sadness, or the fire that you cant light up because... They have added perks in game which you can acquire by doing incredibly difficult survival feats. When i started the game for the first time there were 5 maps, i had no way of knowing where i should go or what to do, exploring was awesome difficult and dangerous. After some time i started using the normal mode as the relaxing time at my PC, and hell yea it was relaxing. Today of course one more map has been added which is said to be the most difficult of all, i haven't tried it yet. Some said that there was something missing, it was story mode and to an extend i agree, if the game was to be released as it was i wouldn't actually had a problem. Story mode is added and from now and all the way to 2018 they will add more episodes of the story mode. 

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The makers

The studio that works on Long dark is a small studio named hinterland-games, they are working very hard on their creation and i can easily call it a masterpiece. Of course the only thing i know hope about this game is that they will add Co-op because nothing is more fun than playing with friends.

Final thoughts

The game used to cost about 20 euros, in steam sales the price was 10 euros and i bought it for this price, today with the extra content that they have added, the price has risen to 32 euros and in steam summer sales you can find it at 12,79 euros. Is it worth it? Yes actually it does, you will find a new harsh and challenging world. You will spend hours upon hours exploring and you will meet survival gaming ideology to its finest.


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You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion.   

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