How to keep your PC running: Gamers Guide

Welcome everyone, in todays article we are going to talk about the maintenance that every gamer should do to his/her PC, in order it can be able to run in its maximum performance. So for this guide we are going to cover my routine maintenance which actually costs nothing.

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First comes your Software

People in our current day and age are capable enough in controlling their PC's abilities. But most of the time they tend to overlook what i call bad/side downloads. So nowadays many downloads of ours are having a habbit of downloading other programms that are useless to us if not to everyone, ad ons, extra bars for browsers etc. So first thing to do is to get rid of those. Open your control panel, go to programs and delete all those useless ads. You have to do it one by one and you should be careful not to delete any useful programs you have in your PC. This is going to take some minutes, after that you need to download Ccleaner (what i use, there are other programs that can do the job). Ccleaner has the ability to clean up registries and broken files download the Trial Version it will do just fine. Well this is going to take some time, after that you need to download a defrager for your hard disk, this is going to keep your hard disk in good shape and running faster than usual. I use Defraggler and Disk speedup they both do the trick, of course there are many other programs for this. Do all this every 10-15 days and your PC is going to be in a much better shape when it comes to software.

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The Hardware Cleanup

Ok this is something that people should be doing every 1-2 months and they don't. Your hardware is getting full of dust all the time, this is rising its temprature and is lowering its speed and some times endagering it, you might burn some of it due to dust. How to clean it up without damaging anything, get a Screwdriver, first you need to release your CPU's cooling system, careful there are cables that connect it to the motherboard. Second take some medical Alchool, place it in small pieces of hardend papper and clean your cooling system (careful you don't want to damage it), I use medical alchool because it evaporates in just a few seconds and it is not going to damage anything cause of humidity. Finally use the same kind of papper for cleaning your power suppliers fanes and graphic card fanes after your release it from your motherboard. when you are finished take and air blower and use it on your motherboard and hard disks. Plug everything back on the motherboard, get the cables right, and run your PC. Good job your PC is running (if you haven't forgotten any cables or damaged anything) and it will take a lot more time for it to heat up than it used to.

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In Conclusion

There are some more things to do like formating your PC frequently and deleting any games and programs you dont use. By doing all these the main aspects of keeping your PC in good shape are covered, this is going to keep it running for much longer and upgrades like buying new graphic cards or rams or CPU is going to be a later thing to think of. 


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You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion.

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