Gaming Industry the Greediest of all Industries

Welcome everyone to my new article in gaming, today we will not be reviewing a game because i am away from my PC so it is difficult for me to have access in ingame component so a review only based in my memory is not something i prefer. So i thought i should talk about the gaming industry, their greedy nature, and of course their lack of imagination in the biggest companies of the industry.

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First lets talk about prices

Yes the prices are outragous, the most expensive a game can get to create and produce is around 20-25 dollars, and we are talking about the most expensive. Many of the games out there that are priced at 59.99 or 69.99 and they do not worth even half their money. Greatest examples are from the Star wars franchise with their new remake of Battlefront, of course in this kind of games there are battle passes too which are an other game to ask for peoples money because you are at the most part a greedy piss of shit. An other example of greedy and this time lying to the public situation was the No Man's Sky. The courts did say that there was nothing wrong but really fuck the law, its is based on saveing the assholes ass most of the time, they did say there is multi player (i couldn't find any) they did say it wouldn't be repetitive for God's shake are you kidding me? I did pay 60 euros for it... If they did not lie on it they would have sales, well not the same sales, but the game was ok so they could sell it for something like 30 Euros per copy, wait wait no game should actually ever cost more than 40 euros per copy and there should be no season passes paid dlces and all these shit, fuck you gaming industry. The most expensive game of its time Star Wars the Old Republic cost was 100 million dollars and they did got their money back before the fucking release.

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Let us now talk about their needs in hardware

Well it is true that technology is developing very fast, so fast that the new engines are asking more and more power from your PC's hardware. The money flow in the technological sector of our daily lifes is rising faster and faster. The best example in the PC needs are Graphic Cards. It is true that the new Graphic Cards are very very different from the older models. New chips are by far more powerful and the same time less demanding in electrical power. That of course doesn't mean that games should be escalating in such a pace in their needs for more memory or clock speed. We do not have so much money to be buying a new graphic card every two years. Plus the price of games, plus a good headset because sound is important enough well i guess those guys believe we have some kind of bank in our back yards. So games can have less demanding computing power needs for greater amount of time which would possibly enable the gaming communities to grow bigger, faster. This would bring more money in their companies for a greater amount of time, while gamers will be happier with their accessibility in the whole variaty of games.

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VR games

Come on seriously here things are terrible, mobile games costing 5-20 euros from google... It is a mobile game for God's shake. And it doesn't cost more as a production the the previous kind of games so FU google. No trash talk about the new tech, yes t is new no it doesn't cost more. They should be lowering the older tech prices and placing the new one where the older was. But no they choose to start a whole new variaty of prices that is going to be a a full raid in our pockets. Greedy bastards...

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In conclusion

Gaming industry is one of the worst industries when it comes to profit, they became the kings and queens of the greedy, by taking the thrones of movie and music industries. Of course the previous two failed hard because of piracy and gaming industry shall have the same outcome partly at least, because people are not bound to accept their attitude. 


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You can find more articles of mine here: @diasdr For all personal thinking content, i am sorry if you find it in any way offensive, i didn't mean to offend anyone just to discuss/express my opinion. 

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