[Vanglory Story] Ozo Performing the Ape

Knuckles made the city kid out of the mister's wagon and we Children Carnie (carnival / circus), know better way to get away from mister.

"Silly boy thought he was going to join the carnival?"

"Could he throw a ball and walk on a rope?"

"He can not do anything."

The city boy was thin and short, about 8 years old. He sniffed and looked at us. "I can do something," he said. Light emerged from the palm of his hand.

"Fine," we say, "do what you can."

We picked up the orphan from the suburbs, on a wagon with a strange paint. We are not in town to sell firecrackers and pickpockets, which tomorrow there is the Red Lantern Festival event. The townspeople clustered quickly at the gate because the carnival boys would perform the best, and out of town you would not be arrested for lighting firecrackers.

"The most important thing you have to do to become Carnie's Son," we say to orphans, "is to perform."

"The rules for performing are, do not be boring, and all the stories are true." We nodded in unison with the sacred phrase.

With a big ring rolling in, our boss hung in the middle with his tail, our kids screaming with his arrival: Oz-O! Oz-O! Oz-O!

"Back when I was hungry!" Ozo shouted at their faces. "Very hungry, the sun looks delicious like a peach, so I jumped so high and took it from the sky, but everything went dark, so I threw it back up!" he kicked and bowed next to the orphan. "Your turn."

The boy was nervous. "I ... um ... hmm ... I stole a ... an ..."

"Bloody," one of us yelled, then more, then all. We do not have time for stutterers. "Bloody!"

"My parents are giants," Ozo said. We all kept quiet and watched, because no one could do a show like Ozo. "I am the biggest baby monkey in the world, but one morning Father farted and destroyed the whole village." He paused while we laughed. "Unfortunately for us, the village witch is very angry, she uttered a spell that makes me shrink like now.My mother can not take care of me anymore without hurt me, so she gave me the carnival." Ozo's hairy head shook his head sadly so we were sad. "But he left me with his wedding ring," Ozo whispered, and held his ring.

"Daaaang" we say, clapping.

"My father left," said the orphan, "and my mother cleaned the house."

"Is it true?" Ozo said, twisting the big ring with his long arm. "Well, my father is a king's pet, the king desperately wants a son to be a pregnant shutter with my father, I hope the king will not realize it."

The townspeople shouted. "You said your parents are giants," he stunned.

"Did I say that?" Ozo shrugged his shoulders and saw the sky, began to do the huild and we all watched in awe.

"The real story is, I never had a parent, I was born of a magic banana, I ate a banana to come out and fall from a tree, everything I do myself."

"All your stories are a lie," the new boy said.

The city boys are angry with his words. "All the stories are reality, stupid!" we shouted, and almost chaos, but Ozo threw his big ring, dropped the boy. Ozo bowed and said very quietly to the boy. We're the closest to listen.

"I wish I had a mother who would worry about me at home," she said. "Go home."

"Yes, go back to your mother!" we say, drag him to the gate.

Ozo saw the decor of his big ring, rising and hanging with his fingers and toes, rolling over for the lanterns to spin, into a luminous red circle.

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