Seven Deadly Sins Review - Knights of Britannia: Full of Sin!

How many of you have heard of the name "Nanatsu no Tazai" before? If you are not familiar with the name of the manga / anime on this one, we ourselves strongly recommend it. As an adolescent anime series with heroic cliché action, it offers scene and animated battles that are too cool to pass up for granted. We even mentioned it as one of the anime series that is suitable to be enjoyed by gamers of RPG lovers, especially JRPG. The good news? Formula that from the beginning it has sounded fantastic to be adapted as a video game is finally handled by Bandai Namco. They have officially introduced Seven Deadly Sins - Knights of Britannia since 2017.

After waiting for this one long enough game, the opportunity to taste it directly finally arrived. For those of you who are not too familiar, this is not a musou game as it was illustrated early in its introduction. You will play important character-characters from the first season in the game base that is actually more attached to the fighting game. The environmental destruction feature is one of the selling points, with the claim that it will also affect the gameplay content itself. The question is of course one, is it that in the midst of Bandai Bandco's concoction of games for 2018, Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia deserve to be categorized as one of the best? Unfortunately, in outline, no. There are many "sins" that have done this series of games that make it even, does not feel worthy of appearing as a fan-service for fans of anime / manga of his own.

As you can predict, Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia takes a live story of the first season manga / anime series that exists. So for gamers who had tasted the original source seems to have been able to predict where the story that he usung move. Because it follows the main source, the story told does not contain significant differences that deserve to be discussed. As for gamers who are not familiar, there is one shortcoming that we will discuss later.

Seven Deadly Sins tells the story of a Royal princess who must deal with a coup plan rather than a Knight who should protect her. Elizabeth's desperate daughter is finally looking for a solution that sounds impossible at the beginning, seeking protection from a circle of Legendary Knights called "Seven Deadly Sins". In the journey that had begun to be kissed by the knights who tried to rebel, Elizabeth accidentally found a man with a low posture who happened to be opening a restaurant in the middle of nowhere. With an endangered life, Meliodas turns out to be the first piece of puzzle sought by Elizabeth.

Meliodas also known as "Dragon's Sin of Wraith" turned out to be the leader of Seven Deadly Sins itself. Succeeded in saving Elizabeth from a critical situation and hearing about the source of her panic, Meliodas also expressed an interest in helping. But before he could do so, he had to reassemble the members of Seven Deadly Sins now scattered mysteriously across the empire. An action that is certainly not easy, especially considering some of them also present with the burden of their own personal problems.

Then, can Elizabeth save his kingdom? Who is actually responsible for this coup? Can Meliodas reassemble all members of Seven Deadly Sins? All the answers to that question can be obtained by playing Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, or by directly enjoying anime / manga series.

One of the biggest drawbacks of this game is its failure to offer the appeal that makes its anime series so fantastic. Almost all cut-scenes from important stories or epic moments that should be enough to make your hair goose bumps, especially from the scene of the fight, do not appear here. What you find is just characters that just stand with minimal expression, with inappropriate voice act, telling you what really happened. There is no scene cut from the anime version or just an attempt to repeat those epic moments of Seven Deadly Sins in visual in-game format altogether. It ended up being a half-hearted project that did not feel like a fascination. Have you ever imagined Seven Deadly Sins in a visual novel format, but without the details of an interesting story? It may feel like that. Instead of encouraging and teasing, gamers who never enjoy the anime / manga version of Seven Deadly Sins can actually end up not interested after playing this one game version. Believe it or not, there are so many jumps from the side of the story that even make this non-fans have the time or opportunity to recognize or love the characters that exist. Due to the lack of detail and content, it is not impossible to end up seeing Elizabeth as nothing more than a princess with irrelevant clothing.

For how to play. like Bandai Namco's three-dimensional fighting game all along, you "just" need to lock the characters you want to fight, and then fight blindly. There are two key combinations that allow you to move more agile - one to dash forward, while the other with a power bar, will allow you to disappear and appear behind your opponent's character. The rest? Attack seintens as you can. The HP bar will be represented with numbers like RPG games, and you can see how effective the combination attacks you are throwing. The good news? Each character comes with animated motion and an attack that makes it feel different from each other. You will be able to feel a significant difference between playing Ban or Gilthunder for example, from just the speed of animation attack to the effectiveness of attacks for certain moments. Of course there is a Block button to fend off attacks.

With all these concepts, calling it a three-dimensional fighting game is not something excessive. Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia itself seeks to bring a unique charm that is different from presenting the system of environmental destruction. That the powerful attacks you throw into the various objects around, especially the buildings, can end up destroying them and flattening them. The effect on the gameplay is not very significant, but in terms of cosmetics, he managed to strengthen the sensation that this is a fight between the characters who have power far above the average human. Shattered areas will usually also leave a currency resource that you can use for a particular function, as well as a trap that can generate massive damage if used in the right way.

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