Parsec frontiers Update and new Story Video!

Community Made Story!

Parsec frontiers story is voted for by the community and the followers, that means that once every couple of week parsec will release a poll on their twitter with multiple choices if you vote on option 3 and that option has the most amount of votes then that option will make it into the final game! if you want to interact and have your say in the story i highly recommend following parsec on twitter! (link at the bottom of this article)

Do you need an expensive ship to play the game? (Update)

Recently parsec held an AMA and answered this question with the following.

Q: What resources do new players start with — and in what ways can they earn their first PRSCs when they’ve just started?

A: New players will be prompted to buy a started pack which includes a ship, some basic supplies and a wallet with PRSC. From that point on they can earn more PRSC from other players by doing work for them or through trading items they obtain in the game. We consider the starter packs comparable to buying the game, which ensures all players are invested into the PRSC economy. The income from the starter packs will be put back to the non-profit Parsec Foundation to pay for development, maintenance, marketing or by other means aid the game.

so this is great news for anybody that had this specific question!

What is Parsec Frontiers?

ParsecFrontiers is a space MMO that focus on space exploration, mining and Player driven economy. ParsecFrontiers will be supported by a blockchain, that means everything you gather trade or fight to achieve will be your property. If you wanted to travel to a faraway galaxy to get some rare and unique materials and then trade them in for parsec credits and use those credits to buy bitcoin or ethereum you are free to do so. This is a very ambitious project and I am happy that I have followed it from the start, if you have ever played EVE-Online and want to try an upcoming game that let you own all your assets you grind for ParsecFrontiers is differently something to look out for.

Ingame Fotage!

Ship Auction!

Parsec Frontiers have officially entered their Crowdsale Phase! This is great news for any gamers that are interested in an MMO built on the blockchain! And if you donate today you will get 30% as a bonus! This is a great opportunity for any investors that are interested in the Ship Auction that is also running!
If you want to take part of the Crowdsale or the Ship Auction I would appreciate if you used my referral links!

Ship Auction

Follow Parsec Frontiers here!


Quick Update!

I am currently in a period with a few exams so this could be the last article from me for about a week or two. i hope you all like my content and will continue to follow me in the future :)

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