Haloo Stemian, good afternoon, how are you guys? Hopefully you guys always give strength, health, happiness and longevity by God the Almighty, back again with my @damahsyari, on this occasion I will divide about the profile of a hero Vainglary game Koshka asasin. Well as we know together with the game Vainglary is a type of game that moba is very popular among mobile gaming and has a very nice graphic to scale the game mobile game.


Koshka is a type of hero asasin kind of hit-and-run that could lock the enemy with a long pelumpuhan, he has a three-part talent who also owned by every hero in the Vainglary. She is a girl without history who tried on any style he preferred. He's not a cat, he's just convinced he was one, and that is a big part of rave culture, have the freedom to be something or someone for a while. Unlike other weight-lore character.Koshka is more than a hero who was born to have the pleasure of living.

A Rare Talent

This talent is the hallmark of every hero moba. Koshka has a rare talent with a basic attack capabilities reduce the pause sharing.

A Twirly Death

Koshka spinning, damaging all enemies around it.

Pouncy Fun

Koshka pounce on enemies who go and cause damage.


Koshka has 2.5 speed motion for 4 seconds when he raises the damage from his ability.

Yummi Catnip Frenzy

Koshka jump the last time launched a series of slash, he paralyzes the target during a full 2.2 seconds. This is enough to make the enemy should rethink when dealing with Koshka, his jump ability is very agile and is worth in the estimate. Koshka will stop slashing if paralysis is not on the block by the enemy using a reflexBlock.


Tip # 1
Waiting on the edge of battle, then sign in to pounce and kill the enemy that his low HP. Then, quickly out again!

Tip # 2
Use comments Koshka to lock up the most dangerous opponents or to cancel the ultimate enemy like Adagio.

Tip # 3
When possible, run and use a Twirly Death first. Then, approach the enemy again with Pouncy Fun when they tried to escape.

Source Image: 1,2,3,4,5

Greetings From @damahsyari Regards Moba


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