Welcome to New York ComicCon 2018


New York ComicCon 2018

Ok guys...this was a HUGE convention, also my first time in this kind of event. It was totally AMAZING!!

Every year the largest comic conventions are setting records in attendance all over the US. Even without accurate numbers I can safely assume that NY is one of the top comic con show with the most attendance.
These comic con event is like a celebration of many different aspect of geek culture.

Fans from all around the world came to NY to show their best costumes. You see all kind of cool things like: comics, outfits, toys, custom made materials, actors interviews, new movies/video games previews and much more.

(Spanish) Ok amigos, esto es una convención GIGANTE , es la primera vez que asisto en un evento como este y créame es ESPECTACULAR.
Todos los años esta gran convención registra nuevos records de audiencia en todo US. No puedo ser preciso pero asumo que el de New York es unos de los mejores shows con mayor asistencia. Literalmente es una celebración de las diversidades de la cultura geek.
Todos los FANATICOS alrededor del mundo vinieron a mostrar sus mejores vestimentas. Todo tipo de COMICS, vestimentas, juguetes, materiales hechos al momento, entrevistas, nuevas películas/VideoJuegos en agenda y mucho mas.

-Prepare yourself to see weird stuff.

It can be funny, impressive and even a little disturbing or creepy seeing all those eccentric fans living their character role...they act and perform like real super heroes 😱.

(Spanish) Es tan gracioso, pero a la misma vez un poco perturbador cuando vez como los FANATICOS crean esas vestimentas y la mejor parte es, ELLOS VIVEN SU PERSONAJE Y ACTUAN como verdaderos superhéroes.

-A new world 🌎 where nerds and geeks come along together.

That culture is a widely varied as geeks themselves, but there’s a common thread that ties them all together.
You always hear about the “battle “ between Star Trek and Star Wars fans, same thing between Marvel and DC right??? Well...here you will see them moving along and having the time of their life.

(Spanish) En esta cultura hay mucha variedad de gustos, una de ellas, las grandes batallas entre los fanáticos de Star Trek y Star Wars?, 😂 me encanta. pues lo mismo pasa con Marvel y DC. Verán como los fanáticos de los personajes de MARVEL Y DC comparten y lo pasan bien.

-Video game industry in control

I have no words, this is absolutely true...the video games industries are controlling the world. It really doesn’t matter if is XBOX, PS, Nintendo, PC or smartphone. This a very aggressive market and keep getting better every freakin year.

(Spanish) No tengo palabras, nada mas que decir que es la pura VERDAD, la industria de los video juegos están controlando el mundo. No importa que consola de juegos, si es Xbox, Ps, Nintendo, PC or smartphone. La plataforma de mercadeo es demasiada agresiva y mejoran todos los AÑOS.

OK, ok, no more talking😬


Pictures by crypt🦎lizard


Please leave your comments below, I want to hear your opinion.😉

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In this one about Yu-Gi-Oh!, the First thing I recalled was @tipu with their Steem Monsters! playing Cards 😬

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Do you imagine Captain Jack Sparrow with the Thanos's gauntlet? HAHAHAHAH

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