Damnview: Built From Nothing

Although Disney presented us in 2016 Zootopia showing us its own vision of how a part of the animal kingdom could coexist in a forced harmony under the image of a great metropolis, raising its own laws, and rules of coexistence protected by fear infused of what could happen if some of the animals violated the norm and succumbed to their instinct more primitive.

This is still an animated film aimed at a child audience where even family members could enjoy it, but this idea has already been addressed in the past with some television shows that show anthropomorphic beings fulfilling some of our roles in society.

While it is true some of these programs its content is aimed at children, also opened a space for adults with programs such as Duckman, The Ren & Stimpy Show even currently BoJack Horseman.



The truth is that seeing the trailer at first I could not help feeling that this was a preview of a series of HBO quality immediately things like the Blacksad comic or the graphic novel Maus crossed my mind, even its enveloping melody reminds me toBeicoli leaving me completely trapped.



After passing his excellent animated introduction, we fall into disappointment with its appearance of 8 bit, but do not advance judgments ahead of time because even the retro style has managed to give us some good games these years such as Papers Pleaseand One chance.



Damnview: Built From Nothing: It's a game about desperation, the hostility of capitalism and the need to look for a better future.

There will be more than one who will label it as a simple game by Furry and the truth is that you can explore many aspects with this type of resource and I do not want to enter spoiler, but it is enough to remember Night In The Woods


Nowadays it is debatable whether animals are ethical beings or not, this kind of legal questions go back a hundred years.

According to Pythagoras: All animals are brothers, human animals are brothers of non-human animals

And while this is a more human way, so to speak, of seeing animals there were also more radical people who opposed this thought, such as René Descartes, who claimed that animals have no soul, that they are automatons and that they lack language and Noises that they emit are automatic responses to different situations and as they have no soul they can not experience pleasure or pain.

But what happens, when you want to capture clearly human ideological, social and cultural aspects in animals?, just remember George Orwell's Animal Farm so we can accept that it is possible to address profound issues about the virtues and defects of society as opposed to of Happy Tree Friends pure senseless violence.
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Although Damview: Built From Nothing looks like a GTA, its creators indicate that the player will have to explore different parts of that concrete jungle under the constant temptation to abandon their principles and sink into decadence, all for survival.

Returning to the first point of the trailer one of the aspects that most caught my attention was the ideological confrontation of the wolf that symbolically always relates to the lamb in disguise when taking the crucifix and the owl associated with knowledge, all their knowledge ends up being useless forgetting its principles and surrendering to the deterioration of society.

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I do not know if it will have a story? But hell if it came out a series with that quality of animation and that dark background, I would pay to see it and talking about paying since the game is a critique of capitalism, would it be crazy to think that maybe the game should be free?

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