Lords mobile warning of depolation from other kingdoms review #part 50


Arranging the new kingdom to join in the base of the allies


Good night friends ... meet again with @barzah. Tonight my kingdom got a reprimand from the next kingdom who is fellow Indonesia as well. We were overpowered by a letter of reproach in which our allies attacked them. We have some tragedies in which the various problems that the new empire is doing join our base.

Though we have made some rules against all members of the alliance that there are several bases to be saved means that there are several other kingdoms that are not allied with our kingdom and cooperate with the kingdom's deplomation but the government is done in their own way, but in some ways which we make kesepakataan not attack each other and help each other when attacked by other kingdom so that the government's integrity remains prosperous and awake.

However, there are some kingdoms who conduct attacks without our knowledge so that they get big losses and with the number of wounded soldiers and the results of resources carried by the attacker. From that they are very angry and reminded by the way in handed a letter to our leider is H * I kirana. And then we issue again a rule to the user which we remind each kingdom if we want to attack please tell the first to fellow allies so that the risk can be in the same responsibility.

In this case, not only the kingdom that is forbidden to attack but also its moster if first they are taking other than our allies then our kingdom should not approach it because in every attack monsters are not culup with one time but there must be some kingdom that breaking the monstee to death.

Friends .. tonight also not until there only after we make and menanyatakan rules then what if we violate the kingdom we remove from the base of our allies even we threatened to attack them so that the provision and resources will we all if all that we can go out now even our doors open as wide as it is.

It is a requirement in us to ally us to survive the ravages of another kingdom and from that we are also safe in ordering our kingdom to possess. This is one way of forging relationships with other jobs outside of the base of the kingdom we have. This means that this is one trick in us running our work integrity in mobile lords game. At this point I still get level 12 for the palace or the kingdom. On the other hand his friend to determine the strength of this game we must be diligent to upgrade the soldiers by training them in the barracks that have been available.


On the other side of the castle I lead also got a rise in lucky numbers tonight so I can claim prizes in clan mission rooms up to 18 boxes. There are some very interesting gifts among them.


  • time acceleration.

  • a mystery object that the hero needs.

  • wheat.

  • gold plates.

  • as well as some other objects in need by the kingdom and some diamond pieces.

And every lord mobile mission I see is only the imperial monarchy that is in need and the power of the kingdom is in need so that when there is an empty time we must always mobilize troops to collect resources and even increased levels are also necessary in this game.

And do not forget at every opportunity of development do not you forget to do the extension of the hall so that in every direction of the attacks that you do to fill the help troops who joined in your direction of course the troops from other jobs. Ordinary his hall is needed pads when you attack the enemy kingdom and the kingdom of the devil.

So friends for tonight may be useful for you in playing this mobile lords game and the conclusion in my discussion is that if you establish an alliance with another kingdom you should be wary of newly incorporated kingdoms do not hurt them in attack. And they are also the ones who work together with your base so that your neighbors do not attack each other do as often as possible the collection of resources so that the provision of upgrades is always sufficient and if there is a vacuum point is all the soldiers to collect resources in the forest map . See you in the next edition and I thank you for your visit in my post. Please comment below and ask which points you have not understood.


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