[GAME REVIEW] Call of Duty #12

By: @anwarunsam

It  should be an annual routine that you always live in, such as  celebrating a religious day to simply encourage yourself because of the  inevitable age at the birth date, that's the status of Call of Duty in  the gaming industry. After  the fantastic success achieved by Activision and Infinity Ward with  Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the decision to exploit it as an annual  franchise is indeed sweet to one of the biggest pubslihers in the gaming  industry. Success  continues to follow, enough to make Activision design a rotation system  of three developers - Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer Games  to handle it, with each working with their own Call of Duty series. Until finally, in 2017, it's Sledgehammer's turn to prove their spurs. 

Of course, there is something special with the series that was released for the year 2017. Although it is still a "super wet" field for Activision to harvest money, Call of Duty's popularity is declining year by year. Activision,  which usually boasted about the number of copies sold, the total  revenue earned, to other phenomenal data range in the past is now silent  on some of the last Call of Duty series. This  gives a signal that there is indeed a behind-the-scenes problem,  especially about numbers that no longer meet the expectations that  exist. To fix that, Activision and Sledgehammer Games finally agree on what has been shouted by gamers for a long time. Bringing Call of Duty back to its roots - a war game with a Second World War theme on it. 

So, what is actually offered by Call of Duty: WWII this? Why do we call it one of the best series? This review will discuss it more deeply for you. 


After being  filled with at least four futuristic warfare pieces, but continues to  erode Call of Duty's popularity as a franchise, Call of Duty has finally  returned to classic warfare - Second World War through Call of Duty:  WWII. So like the customs of COD series before this too,  the power of the story and its dramatization in campaign mode is  something that can not be underestimated. Grounded  in an event that takes place in the real world, you will get a story  that will not be outdone by what you find in the second world war movie  from Hollywood though. 

You will play Private Ronald "Red" Daniels - a soldier who leaves by leaving the woman he loves at home. Joining  the 1st Infantry Division headed by Sergeant William Pierson and  Lieutenant Joseph Turner, Red is one of the troop members deployed to  fight directly against the Nazi forces in mainland Europe. Not  alone, he is also accompanied by other division members he can trust -  Frank Aiello, Drew Stiles, and Robert Zussman, each of whom has a unique  personality. They work hand in hand to not only  ensure the Nazi forces are killed, but also to ensure that any of them,  will be able to return home and gather with their families again. 

But of course, this trip itself is not easy. It is the 1st Infantry Division's duty to help the Allies capture and enter into pre-Nazi-dominated territories. Helping  to destroy an anti-air gun just to slip into acquiring the essential  intel to subdue this fascist government, they will also meet Rousseau - a  female soldier of a rebel troop leader in Paris to help France escape. One definite, danger and fate of the 1st Infantry Division are two words that are very strongly correlated to each other. 

So what kind of battle should Red have to endure? Can all the troops from 1st Infantry Division survive? Where should they destroy the Nazis? All the answers to that question can be obtained by playing Call of Duty: WWII. 

If there is  one thing you might miss from the futuristic war theme taken by Call of  Duty over the last few years, is the visual presentation they offer. The  fact that they are present in the sci-fi genre does not have to be  rooted in the fact that developers have the freedom to blend whatever  they want. From a room full of metal as a  playground, the atmosphere of space combat with a variety of meteors and  planets that look so beautiful in the distance, until just a game of  color armor and crazy designs. With the return of  the Call of Duty to a second world war which, of course, rests on  reality, then you certainly will no longer be faced with similar  freedoms. All that remains now is mud and blood. 

The darker and darker colors of the game are inevitably becoming part of Call of Duty: WWII. There is no surge of optimism in an activity that simply makes hundreds of thousands of lives float away. So  what you find throughout the game is a battle arena filled with mud and  debris, as if shaking a wave of despair and intensive damage, both in  multiplayer mode or in the campaign itself. Fortunately, Sledgehammer Games is smart enough to inject a bit of variety to make it feel monotonous there. In addition to the mud, dirt and trees battles, you will also be faced with a dramatic inner city battle. 

One of the  things that deserves to be thumbs up is the consistency to photograph  the fights and brutality that emerged from it explicitly. That  your action when shooting your head or just throwing a grenade is now  not only greeted by a body just floating around, but sometimes an  inevitable piece of body. Gore content like this is also  designed not excessive as Wolfenstein II for example, and trying to  appear as realistic as possible. The decision to retain elements like this certainly makes the experience present, authentic. 

The most important question that may be on your mind right now, is the quality of the visa that he offers? Like  the previous series, Call of Duty: WWII incorporates pre-rendered  cut-scene content to wrap around the main story, and of course dramatize  with the typical scripted event of this franchise. When compared with Infinite Warfare for example, there is no change from the visual side is really fun, for example. But  to reinforce its status as the first series of classic Call of Duty  wars designed and released for the current generation platform, there  are several new elements added from the presentation side. From  one of the chapters where you can see that your tank attack is now  beginning to damage and destroy certain parts of the building, to the  visual detail of Nazi troops who are trying to stab you with a knife  from close range. Presentations offered are worthy of thumbs up. 

Of course,  as we talked about before, you really need to get used to the overall  color if you've tasted the futuristic series Call of Duty over the last  few years. More cool? Given one of  the early scenes also used by the past Call of Duty series, you can now  see how significant the differences and technological developments  offered by Call of Duty: WWII today. Of course,  as we talked about before, you really need to get used to the overall  color if you've tasted the futuristic series Call of Duty over the last  few years. More cool? Given one of  the early scenes also used by the past Call of Duty series, you can now  see how significant the differences and technological developments  offered by Call of Duty: WWII today. 

Fantastic Campaign Mode! 

If  you and I are talking about what is the main force of Call of Duty as a  franchise, most of us seem to agree that it always contains a campaign  mode that never fails to be phenomenal. That  regardless of its status as a linear FPS game with a corridor system  that only asks you to move from point A to point B without adequate  opportunities and exploration needs, does not necessarily make the  developer unable to innovate with it. The same is true of Sledgehammer Games in Call of Duty: WWII. For  a game that can no longer utilize systems like jetpack, double jump, or  wall-running, they have a hard job to make sure the old concept does  not necessarily make it feel monotonous. Fortunately, Sledgehammer Games did a good job with him. 

Returning  to present an iconic second world war moment with new technology with a  similar Hollywood movie-style dramatization, you seem to be dealing  with a familiar Call of Duty campaign sensation. But different? This one series no longer revolves around the battle between "good vs evil" as in the previous series. Although  you enjoy it from the eyes of a US soldier, it is clear that  Sledgehammer Games wants to take a wider picture of the consequences of a  war. All  you get is a game that shows what kind of impact that can arise from  the action of killing each other to protect or fight for one specific  ideology. That  does not make you feel like a superhero who can easily turn things  around, you act as a human being just "stuck" in a bad situation,  representing one party, and just wanting to go home safely with your  friends in one division the same one. 

The result is a fantastic campaign mode from the side of the story. That  unlike in the previous series that always spins and tells you - the  main character as the driving wheel, Call of Duty: WWII just wants to  show how bad a war and the burden that should be borne not only the  people who are actively involved in but also those who are inevitably "forced" to share in it. It  shows horror, cruelty, sacrifice, death, until just a condition like  trauma and psychological burden as something "commonplace" in this  survival effort. He  also photographed the Nazis from a new perspective that has never been  done in the old series as showing the terror that emerged from  concentration camps, for example. The execution is done well, while keeping the story coherent.  The result is a fantastic campaign mode from the side of the story. That  unlike in the previous series that always spins and tells you - the  main character as the driving wheel, Call of Duty: WWII just wants to  show how bad a war and the burden that should be borne not only the  people who are actively involved in but also those who are inevitably "forced" to share in it. It  shows horror, cruelty, sacrifice, death, until just a condition like  trauma and psychological burden as something "commonplace" in this  survival effort. He  also photographed the Nazis from a new perspective that has never been  done in the old series as showing the terror that emerged from  concentration camps, for example. The execution is done well, while keeping the story coherent. 

So, what about the side of the gameplay itself? There are many innovations offered by Sledgehammer Games here, with some of them quite significant. As an opening? Like the Call of Duty series in the past, they threw away the health regeneration system here. Instead, you are now faced with an HP bar emblazoned at the bottom left of the screen. To recover, you must now use med-kit scattered in the battle arena, or through a new mechanic that is no less cool. True, he now also inserts the Kill-Streak concept in the game. 

To  leave the impression that your comrades do not end up just "guest"  characters in a story that has no significant role, Sledgehammer Games  designs a new gameplay system to encourage you to have an emotional  attachment to them. They adapted the kill-streak system with their bonuses into the single player campaign mode. Like  a skill system that has a cooldown time and needs to be filled, you can  now ask for "reinforcements" to an active NPC friend who fights with  you on the battlefield. Through  a user-interface placed on the right side of the screen, you can see  whoever you can ask for help at the moment or how many more bars to fill  in so you can use it. Each  member of your division will offer you different abilities, from those  who give you ammo, med-kit, highlight every enemy so you can know where  they are, until you can call in the Artillery Strike help to help clear  one area instant. 

Outside  the system without health regeneration and support from your NPC  friend, Call of Duty: WWII also offers several new game sessions that  make it not only unique, but reinforces existing story presentations. There are sessions when you play as Rosseau - a spy as well as a rebel leader who is not focused on taking up arms. You  are actually asked to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters with a  gameplay centered on trying to recall your false identity, picking up  information from Nazi officials, and "inciting" liberation wars in  Paris. Another  new gameplay segment that we think is pretty cool is the super fast  driving session by using the Jeep in the midst of bullet tremors and  dramatic heavy weapons. The rest? You are familiar with the formula of Call of Duty will still be dealing with the same content. 

One interesting thing, is the "freedom" gameplay that he offers on some existing missions. That  unlike most games that will foil you away when you are caught on a  mission that is clearly a stealth-based mission for example, Call of  Duty: WWII decided to push the gameplay to keep going. There is no instant failure process and the like here, only you have to deal with temporary specific consequences. Opening open attacks means making a lot of Nazi troops aware of your position and will try to attack you just like that. In one of the missions where you have to settle to catch a train for  example, it will start counting the countdown right away until the train  departs, leaving you now "locked" inside a limited time space.

Then the result is a campaign mode that deserves to thumbs up. Outside  of a variety of newly injected gameplay innovations, including the now  different QTE sessions by asking you to steer ahead of the direction you  want to achieve, the ability of Sledgehammer Games to mix a more  personal and emotional war story is what makes us fall in love. This is no longer just killing the evil Nazi forces with the existing Allied forces. It's also a matter of seeing and viewing war as a whole situation. A tragedy that asks for life, whether it is bound or unbound to your life.  

If we have to speak honestly, multiplayer mode is never the main attraction of Call of Duty in our eyes. The reason? That  despite the fact that it always comes with more themes and different  gameplay innovations in it, you can always see a similar gameplay  foundation in it. That he always revolves around close combat with limited map design that is divided into different paths. Victory will be taken not from your ability to strategize, but who fired the first bullet first. The good news? Designs like this are always successful to push the dynamic gameplay that runs fast. That to win you must keep running, shooting, running away, and repeating the same routine. The same is also offered Call of Duty: WWII is in some fashion, of course now, with a classic weapon. 

However, it does not mean this game comes without anything new at all. We personally even see it as the main thing that makes this series so phenomenal on the multiplayer side. That's right, we're talking about one of the modes called WAR. For  those of you who are not very familiar with it, in contrast to classic  modes such as Team Deathmatch or Domination, WAR is positioned properly  Operation mode in Battlefield 1. It is a competitive multiplayer mode  with story elements in it. Its own gameplay is objective-based, where players should work together to complete one mission together to win it. So,  it does not move as space to show your individual skills by the number  of kill and death figures, but find ways to attack / defend existing  objectives, whether you act as a team of attackers or survive. 

In it, there are so many new elements injected. At  some point for example, you will be given the opportunity to not only  eliminate the enemy, but also achieve some other things that can be used  to help your team, especially from the ability to build. By  pressing a simple button, you can build many things, from just a wall  to protect the objective, the bars to block the motion of the tank, to  the machine gun to help you survive / attack. While when you are on the party of aggressors, you certainly have the opportunity to destroy them. Like the previous COD series, your character can carry a variety of  weapons and classes that will generate specific perks, such as Airborne  that can use suppressors in almost any weapon, for example. 

WAR is COD's most important multiplayer mode: WWII. Although it is regrettable that Sledgehammer Games only inject three  maps to be sampled in this final release, but these three modes end up  offering a fantastic experience with no one ending up asking you to do  the same task. 

There  is a Breakout operation from the beta period that asks you to build a  bridge in the middle of enemy troops, Operation Griffin is struggling on  the effort to push the Tank motion Payload mode in Overwatch with a  little twist in it, to the most fantastic - Operation Neptune that they  rearm the battle of Normandy in a competitive format. For this last mission, he ended up being the most amazing. When you become a Nazi army, you will survive with machine guns, guarding the shore by firing on the various enemy forces. When  so Allied, there is nothing more stressful than running as fast as  possible and hope that none of the machine guns that lead to your head. The  balancing process is also pretty cool where Sledgehammer adds AI-based  troops as a decoy, until your life chance remains high amid the  onslaught of these weapons. 

But unfortunately, it is a bit sad that we only get three maps for this one mode. As  our favorite multiplayer mode, Activision and Sledgehammer Games can  still push many iconic battle scenarios during the second world war to  serve as the foundation for this one mode. With just three maps, you're likely to finish tasting all the maps, both from both sides, in just one game hour. Will they add it to an extra map form when a paid DLC pops up in the future? It looks like it will end that way. 

Sledgehammer Games also changed the existing multiplayer structure. No  longer just select the menu, you will now be placed into a Destiny  social hub with third-person glasses to see the appearance of your  character. Here  are a lot of activities you can do, from just watching a live e-Sports  game, taking a mission (Contracts) that must be completed within a  certain period of time to get a certain reward, to simply collect a  salary that you can get on a regular basis to "buy "These missions. Although carrying the lootbox system in it, the content itself is no more than just cosmetics. Progression  systems, including opening more attachments for weapons to varied  weapon variants of the class that you can use will depend heavily on  your level and frequency using the weapon. Nothing is locked behind the lootbox. 

Although we ourselves include gamers who never love this one mode, Zombie mode for COD: WWII also returns. His  own anticipation is quite high considering he was handled by a former  Visceral people who now stand under the banner of Sledgehammer Games. We  ourselves had tried it out online, and found that its gameplay  structure is still similar but now with a wider area and a specific  mission that requires you to take the exploration process, in the midst  of an existing zombie siege. For those of you who are happy with this mode in some previous series, similar attraction will still be offered by COD: WWII. 

As we discussed earlier, WAR mode remains the main attraction of Call of Duty: WWII itself. Even  if you're already a bored gamer with Team Deathmatch formulas and  close, fast, and close overall designs, WAR mode comes up as a  refreshing oasis that seems to be needed by the multiplayer mode itself. For  multiplayer issues, even though we had a bit of server trouble at least  in the first two days of the release, the issue seems to have been  "fixed" by Activision at the time this review was written and released. 


Calling it one of the best Call of Duty series we've tasted for at least the last 5-6 years is not excessive. To  be honest, if you ask us to tell stories and recall the names of the  main characters for the Advanced Warfare, Ghost, or Black Ops 3 series,  we may be overwhelmed because the stories offered are not as memorable  as they are. But  the ability of Sledgehammer Games dispensing Call of Duty: WWII not  only leads to the timeline of the story that we have long anticipated,  but also meraciknya as one of the most personal and emotional campaign  mode it makes it feels phenomenal. You  will remember who Zussman is, you will remember how this game  photographed war as a destructive force that makes human life a bet, and  you will remember what to sacrifice to victory in the name of a  particular ideology. To strengthen that, Sledgehammer Games also put and adapt the WAR mode  is so fantastic for multiplayer mode that it started, feels stagnant. 

Despite this, the series is not exactly perfect, although most complaints are minimal and not essential. We  regret the least number of maps for WAR mode and formulas for some  classic modes like TDM and Domination that still feel like the old Call  of Duty series, without significant innovation. Server  unpreparedness in the early days of the release also aroused concerns  about the readiness of Activision to prepare this one mode, especially  with the concept of Social Hub that he stretcher. The good news? We did not find any complaints worth talking about in the campaign mode that we think is fantastic. 

So  apart from these shortcomings, Call of Duty: WWII emerged as one of the  best COD series we tasted, not only in the last few years but also so  far in our history of tasting this one franchise. There  is a satisfaction to see that the story of the battle against the Nazis  is not simply visualized as a "war against evil organizations" like  most FPS games have been. But serve as a space to give you a wider perspective of war as a terror for the parties involved.  


  • Stories that are cool and emotional
  • Memorable characters
  • Mission innovation and gameplay in campaign mode
  • WAR mode for innovative multiplayer content
  • Progression system is rationally designed
  • Social Hub is neatly designed 


  • Had a problem with the server 
  • Another multiplayer mode like TDM for example, feels stagnant 
  • The number of maps for WAR mode is too little 


Minimum spec:

  • OS: Windows 7 64-Bit or later
  • CPU: CPU: Intel Core i3 3225 3.3 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1400 
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • HDD: 90 GB HD space
  • Video: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 @ 2 GB / GTX 1050 or ATI® Radeon™ HD 7850 @ 2GB / AMD RX 550
  • DirectX: Version 11.0 compatible video card or equivalent
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Recommended spec:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 or AMD Ryzen R5 1600X
  • RAM: 12 GB RAM
  • HDD: 90 GB HD space
  • Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / GTX 1060 @ 6GB or AMD Radeon R9 390 / AMD RX 580
  • DirectX: Version 11.0 compatible video card or equivalent
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible 

Call Of Duty Game Informations

Genres First-person shooter
Developer: Primary
Infinity Ward
Sledgehammer Games
Publisher: Activision
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
Nintendo DS
Nokia N-Gage
PlayStation 2
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
PlayStation Portable
PlayStation Vita
Wii U
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Platform of origin Microsoft Windows
Year of inception 2003
First release Call of Duty
October 29, 2003
Latest release: Call of Duty: WWII
November 3, 2017 

Written by @anwarunsam

Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia, 1 February 2018


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