How can gaming improve our everyday life part2 FPS

In How can gaming improve our everyday life part 1 we discussed RTS genre. Im very pleased with feedback, and substantial votes i got there. Thank you for supporting me. Today i'll shed light on FPS genre from perspective of self-improvement.

Shoot 'em up boyz and girlz! Genre older than half of living planet, kept a simple principle for decades: crosshair on middle of the screen, and pile of dead enemies.

Spraying with AK47 is fun. We feel powerful, worthy, alive. But how does this help us in real world?

Reflexes and dexterity

Any kind of fine motor skills activity benefits greatly from gaming. Our hands are steady, responsive and precise. Finishing that ship in the bottle has never been easier. Could be handy when practicing juggling stunts and magic tricks. Everyone at least saved a few fragile household items. People do tend to show signs of ambidexterity. For example, i can write with both hands.

Coordination with others

This one applies to multiplayer games. You can make friends for life, have unique moments and learn importance of teamwork. Just like steemit. Also a good K:D ratio when you team up with cool guys. Avoid toxic communities, at all costs. Plenty negativity in real life to worry about.


We all know utmost importance of timing. Timing is everything. Moment we choose to engage. Waiting for enemies to be distracted.Have you ever tried to snatch that ice cream from fridge without anyone noticing? After playing splinter cell, its all yours. Waiting red and green candles all day? No problem.


Assassination games fire up our neurons like new year fireworks. Every single player campaign on hardest setting has so many details to be taken care off. Ammo count, inventory space, angles and shadows. Don't check campspots in real life, unless you want people avoiding you. We became so used to small backpacks and pain of discarding items, that packing luggage bags for vacation is a breeze.  

And most importantly - keeping violence in virtual world

For normal individuals, shooting few virtual enemies is more than enough to satiate our built up aggression. Alt+F4 and we are normal friendly creatures again.  I actually have a great tip for all gamers: try to finish gaming session with a victory. We actually only care about our last game and there is no reason to get up with any kind of frustration. 

Thanks for reading and have an awpsome day. 

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