Age of Empires 2 , reason we had great history grades in school

Curiosity is basic human trait. Since the day we were born, we want to explore and learn. To know how everything tastes, to break the rules and see what happens, to understand reality around us. We all feel we don't know enough, and it will be the case until our last breath. Ultimate serenity and nirvana is our goal. And we feel closer to it with every puzzle solved, concept grasped, causality mastered. This is one of the main reasons why we love history. Power of reliving other's lives, absorbing their experience, without paying any price when their story goes south, is immense. Reading a book or watching a movie is expected medium for such experience. But who would know a simple video game could do it too.

Age of Empires 2 was developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft in 1999. Belonging to RTS genre, it captured our hearts as realistic simulation of medieval times, rich with turmoil and power struggle. Original AoE 1 covered ancient history of civilizations during stone, tool (neolithic), bronze and iron age, setting high expectations for AoE 2. 

What is making this game special?


On main menu there is history book with cool description of civilizations and events. I'll copy few paragraphs here. While it might sound like nothing special, this was long before wikipedia existed, google was new, and internet wasn't exactly infinite source of information. Not for a kid with dial-up like me. This was my treasure chest, i remember being excited reading those for hours. For those of you who didn't read my introduction, games were reason why i had to learn English, i just had to know more. Some of you might not feel the same, but we all have our little moments in life that meant so much to us, that we want to share. Sharing that passion is what connects us.  


This game wasn't just a game. It was time machine. Cool detailed narrative videos, were fascinating,  long before youtube existed. We had a chance to be a part of most important events of middle ages, including Genghis Khan, greatest conqueror of all times, Frederick Barbarossa the Holy Roman Emperor, Jeanne d'Arc French heroine, William Wallace Scottish freedom fighter, and Saladin, sultan of Egypt and Syria : 

Expansion pack the Conquerors introduced more ,including some historical standalone battles. Most notable are Attila the Hun, and Aztec leader Montezuma defending against Spanish Conquistadors. 

Technology tree

Massive technology tree for a RTS. Every civilization has one. While they aren't as diverse and unique as for example races in starcraft, they all had noticeable ups and downs, unique special units and technologies.Several screens wide tree!


I never intended to turn this into standard game review. Accent was on history, and what it meant to me. I don't want to get into analyzing units, strategies and game modes. I'm sorry if i mislead you, awaking nostalgia and leaving you dry. If that's the case, visit and watch some games, they are being played 24/7. Feel free to comment your favorite civ, rush, soundtrack or recent expansion packs . Thanks for reading, expect more from me in the future! Cheers.

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