[Clearning The Backlog] City Quest

Clearing The Backlog

I have (and want to have) more games than I can finish. So I'm playing a game every once in a while to see if I like it enough to finish it. This along with my First Impression posts will help me clear my backlog faster!

City Quest

So, I was interested in this game for a while. When I first heard about it I was interested by the premise. "A farmer quest to make name for himself in the city." As point-and-click adventure with multiple routes and endings it's clearly a throwback to the old adventure games.

He really looks out of place... Everywhere.

So I finally played the game and it's very hilarious! From the start, the player character, the farmer, knows nothing about the city! His bag with all his money and belongings burst in flames with for reason and he has to live in the city with nothing!

In City Quest, you can interact with most of things by either your hand (take, use,) or your face (talk, taste, lick.) Some interactions are hilarious and makes you think of the farmer's upbringing!

Who's in their right mind walks in the path of a plane?!

There are also many ways to die. In the airport alone you can die in 8 ways! (found five myself and used a guide to see the other three.) Some death are stupid, but most of them are very brutal. If the graphics of this game was a bit higher res, they will be really unpleasant. But they look hilarious now. I enjoyed the flavor text you get after each death. The game loves to mock the character.

Since he lost his bag. The farmer slowly becomes desperate. In one instance at the airport when you try to take the bag of someone else, he decides to not steal them but the flavor text in the game says: "Don't worry, these morals will wear away quickly here." And they did! After leaving the airport, most of things I interact with, get taken by the farmer. Bad boy~

Compare this photo ^

With this one ^

While there are minigames in City Quest. I only played the "return home" mini-game in which you fly the plane to return to your farm, but I couldn't win! I even thought it was unwinnable!


I think City Quest is a pretty good throwback to the old point-and-click adventure games. It was an enjoyable hour trying to get all the airport deaths and surviving without money. I might try to get some endings but it's not a priority for now.

Backlog Status:

But probably won't finish this one!

All the screenshots are taken by me.
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