ADSactly Game Review - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

It's Friday and you guys know what that means, another game review by yours truly @morkrock and just in time for the weekend.

This is one of those games I played quite a while back, on launch day, to be precise and I have been holding off writing a review on this for ages. This to me is the embodiment of Indiana Jones in a game series, with everything you could expect from action to adventure, romance to loss and most of all exploring and discovering secret locations in search of treasure. Uncharted so far has been an epic story, and we have come a long way with Nathan Drake and the good old Sully. This game will mark the fourth installment in the series and it just gets better each time round.

The driving force behind this game is the story and the deeply complex characters, but as someone who has been there from the beginning of this story, it feels like I am emotionally invested in the game before I even press start. If you guys follow this gaming blog regularly you know how much a great story means to me, it is what can make or break a game. What the folks at Naughty Dog got exceptionally tight was an almost perfect balance. This is one of those games where @princessmewmew literally has to give me a scolding about playing too much games, still so worth it.

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Our story begins years before the events of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Nate and his brother Sam are on the hunt or the treasure of infamous pirate Henry Avery.

Now the legend of Henry Avery goes as follows, he was a very famous pirate who plundered $400 million during the 1695 Gunsway heist. The brothers along with their financier Rafe Adler, break into a Panamanian prison in order to investigate the former cell of Captain Avery's first mate. Nate has one of the prison guards in his pocket and has to first cause a bit of a ruckus with the other prisoners in order to follow the plan. With the help of the guard Nate is escorted to the restricted part of this old prison, where he finds the cell and a rather tricky puzzle, which he solves and finds a hollow St. Dismas idol. All they need to do now is escape, and this is where everything goes horribly wrong. During their escape, Sam is shot by guards and Nate flees, believing his brother to be dead.

Fifteen years later, Nate, who is now retired with his wife Elena, gets a mysterious message to meet someone at his work, low and behold his brother. Sam survived, but spent most of this time incarcerated. He finally escapes with the help of a very powerful drug lord, who became obsessed with the tales of the Avery treasure. Now Sam has less than a year to find the treasure or else he will be killed. A reluctant Nate agrees to help save his brother's life. This is where the adventure really begins in the game.

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As always the story takes center stage, and the entire game unfolds just like an award winning movie would with the most brilliant, edge of your chair moments.

The game really explores the relationship between the two brothers and there is a chapter or two dedicated to this, think of it as a playable memory. I really have to tip my hat to their writers and the entire team behind this game, at times I felt like I was watching a really great film or series and would completely forget I was playing. Visually the game environment is breathtaking, there is an intense realism to everything in the world. The best way to describe it would be to compare it to when I watched Avatar for the first time, things like the almost impossible to notice breeze that makes the grass shimmer. Don't get me started on the colors.

What was really fun was the unexpected transition from cinematic story to actual game play, it was almost unnoticeable and perfectly timed. The actions scenes are pretty elaborate but somehow it does not feel over used, a perfect example of this it the game play trailer which you can find below.

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"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. This, I did" - Nathan Drake

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There is really not much that I can fault Uncharted 4 on, it ticks each and every box on the almost perfect adventure game.

I would have loved it if they were able to have added more items to collect, at times you would discover some amazing places off the beaten path with nothing really there to discover. Whoever designed these the puzzles gets my stamp of approval, although I would have loved there to be more and harder puzzles to solve. The fights and gun battles have had some minor improvements and the bad guys artificial intelligence is pretty intense, if you consider yourself an above average gamer when it comes the the difficulty settings. Once you are done with the main story play through, which lasts anywhere from fifteen to twenty five hours, you should most definitely take a crack at the multiplayer. This really made the game worth the money because I spent hours playing against real life gamers, some of these guys are pretty good, so be ready to die and then keep dying.
A Thief’s End is just a remarkable achievement with absolute blockbuster storytelling, a cinematic masterpiece in my opinion.

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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is an action-adventure, third person role playing game developed by awesome people at Naughty Dog, and we go way back.

They brought us Crash Bandicoot which was released back in 1996 which was an amazing game, they then followed that up with spectacular games like the entire Uncharted series and Last of Us which I still consider as one of my top five games of all time. This was published by Sony Computer Entertainment due to this being a PlayStation exclusive title only available on the PlayStation 4 console and was released in May 2016. IF you have never played this I highly recommend you adding this to your collection. Due to the game being over two years old now, I'm sure you will be able to find this highly reduced or even go for the second hand options.

Uncharted 4 gets a well earned rating of 10/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

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