ADSactly Game Review - Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Welcome back fellow Steemians, it's that time of the week again, weekend but also time for your weekly game review fix.

This week I decided to move away from my good and faithful PlayStation 4 for a change and try something different, well not all that different, just something I haven't done for a while, yes my PC. This game is rather old, it was initially released back in 2008, but keep in mind this is a massive multiplayer online game that just keeps getting more chapters added to it. When I heard about this game being in development about 2 years before, I was very much excited because at the time I was playing World of Warcraft, and the same kind of game but set in the Star Wars universe, what could be better.

The biggest reason for my anticipation was because of an even older game, Knights of the Old Republic, which to this day I consider the best Star Wars single player game ever made. The game was set in a time long long ago, before the movies and all the stories, a much darker time, when the Sith and Jedi was well established and at constant war with each other.

The only down side to this whole story was that I only played this game for a few days, and myself and @princessmewmew moved to a different city and we got stuck into life and work. I only really got to play the game a few years later when all the nostalgia was gone, and compared to other games I was playing at the time it became a little boring. So I decided the other day to go back and download it and play around a bit, it is after all a free game and it's Star Wars. This game is personally for me more about the back story of the Star Wars universe than it is about the actual game play, the cinematic trailers are just amazing and will totally get you hooked into playing this MMO.

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Our story this time takes place in the Star Wars fictional universe shortly after the establishment of a tenuous peace between the re-emergent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

This story is set 300 years after the events of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, and more than 3,600 years before the events in the Star Wars films. The Sith Empire, who are the survivors of the Old Sith Empire that lost the Great Hyperspace War over a thousand years earlier, and who have also been missing and thought to be completely extinct for the last thousand years, make an unexpected return. The massive Sith Imperial armada arrives at their home planet of Korriban, to find a Galactic Republic star base orbiting the planet which they immediately attack, those on board don't stand a chance. On board a smuggler named Nico Okarr is being led to his prison cell by a Jedi, Shan, and her master, Darach when the attack begins, and they all make a run to Okarr's ship, the only ship capable of escaping the invasion.

Just before they reach the ship a Sith named Darth Malgus, and his master Vindican board the star base and a lightsaber battle ensues between the two Jedi and two Sith. About halfway into the fight, Jedi master Darach tells Shan to get on the ship and inform the Galactic Republic that the Sith have finally returned, which she reluctantly does but not before throwing her master her double edged lightsaber to aid in the fight. Shan is able to make it off the star base and then faces all the Sith star fighters as they wait for the hyperspace engines to prep before they can get away. Meanwhile her master is fighting the two Sith, but unfortunately they are just too powerful for him alone and he is cut down. Darth Malgus then kills his master Vindican, who was wounded by Darach.

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The years pass by and the Sith have grown their empire bigger and more deadly than ever by re-established a Sith Academy, they have also started expanding and invading other planets under the control of the Republic.

The Sith Empire continues to invade planets but are met with resistance from Republic fighters who are spread very thin, one of these instances is when Malgus and a party of Sith troops come head to head with resistance troops. The Republic troops are almost completely decimated, but Jedi Shan comes to their aid, and in one of the most epic lightsaber battles I have ever seen, she defeats Malgus, leaving his face severely scarred. This victory gave the Republic hope that they can stand against the Sith, all that is needed is a single spark of courage.

The Sith do not take kindly to this, and plan a devastating attack on the heart of the Jedi, the Jedi temple in their city of Coruscant. Darth Malgus arrives at the temple in a single ship under the the guise of peace negotiations with the Jedi, as he is met at the entrance he kills the guards and enters the temple. Inside he is met by Master Ven Zallow and many Jedi who all draw their lightsabers ready for battle, then all of a sudden a ship crashes through the entrance behind him with a army of Sith, and the battle ensues. The Jedi are overwhelmed and many Jedi are slain as well as master Zallow, in this battle that will forever be remembered as, the sacking of Coruscant. Master Satele Shan is named the new Jedi Grand Master, and the cold war between the Jedi and Sith has began, this is where the game starts.

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"Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe. The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The Old Republic is a standout MMO game, wonderfully crafted to encompass the total Star Wars experience.

You get to be anyone from a Storm Trooper to Bounty Hunter to even a Jedi or Sith, and even then you have options to choose what kind of Force user you want to be. There is an abundance of classes either on the Sith Empire side or the Galactic Republic, and all the races you have ever seen in any of the Star Wars films are there as well. The customization is truly spectacular and one can easily see that the developers spent a very long time making sure you have endless options on pretty much everything. The story elements deliver on every front and the vocal performances are excellent, because there is just so much of it. The content that keeps being added will most definitely keep you busy for at least the next year and there is a dedicated fan base, so you won't ever experience an unpopulated game, like so many games do.

The game has it's pros and cons and for the most part it's a wonderful Star Wars game, I think I spent about three hours just creating my character last Sunday after I installed it, couldn't decide what class I wanted to be. The repetitive quests do get a little tedious, but that's why there is player versus player, just make sure you pick a nice populated server. The great part about the Old Republic is that it's free to play and if you subscribe you get better gear as well as you get to level faster, but really not that major if you just want something fun to play.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG for short as referred to by gamers and those in the know.

The game is based in the Star Wars universe, and is about 3600 years before the events of The Phantom Menace. Developed by BioWare Austin who were the good folks behind Dragon Age: Inquisition, the game was announced on October 2008. The Old Republic was then officially only released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 2011 in North America and Europe. Although not officially disclosed, it is one of the most developmentally expensive games made. The game had one million subscribers within three days of its launch, making it the world's "fastest-growing MMO ever", though in the following months the game lost a fair share of its subscriptions. Like I mentioned before, this one is free to play, so go check it out maybe you love it.

I give The Old Republic a rating of 7/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

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