Restriction to sell PUBG objects on Steam will continue

PUBG Corp. reported that it will extend the restriction to sell PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS objects for PC, through Steam. It all started in May, when the company realized that players used this system to profit and sell objects on external sites.

As mentioned, this affects Steam users, who have not been able to sell items for weeks from the Community Market of the Valve platform. Although PUBG Corp. did not indicate when it would re-enable this option, it is a fact that players will have to wait even longer.

From the forums of Steam, the company spoke specifically of the Aviator Crate, which arrived at the game on May 16 and that still can not be commercialized. According to the information, said restriction will be lifted on June 13 at 10 PM in Mexico City.

"The previous boxes (like Equinox Crate) could not be commercialized for a shorter period of time, but we have seen that this causes a somewhat abusive behavior of the market system, especially in the form of high prices for rare items. We believe that implementing slightly longer market restriction times will help alleviate this problem, "the study wrote.

PUBG Corp. thanked the players for their patience and pledged to keep everyone informed about market rules and systems. The company did not give an update on its fight against sales on third-party sites.

In related news, the test of the new Sanhok map will now be available for more time, check the details here. On the other hand, PUBG Corp. sued Epic Games for the similarities between PUBG and Fortnite.

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