Vampire The Masquerade Redemption The Story

Hello Friends!

Today I will present a wonderful story:

The game starts by presenting Christof Romuald a knight in service of the lord in the year 1141.
After being wounded in battle of Moravia, you end up bandaged at a Prague nunnery, under the care of a beautiful nun named Anezka.
Christof falls in love with Anezka but he being a knight and Anezka a nun this he knows to be a forbbiden love.
Archbishop Geza sees this love taking fruit and he uses Christof to get rid of the ghouls in the city.
He sends Christof on a suicide quest hopping that he will never return.
Christof cleans the city and he goes in the mines where he discovers that other people had tried to destroy the monsters from inside.
There you find “Ahzra the unliving” the leader of the ghouls and you destroy her.
Victorious he returns to Anezka where he confesses his love to her.
Knowing that this love will send them to damnation Christoff goes outside to patrol the city.
Tired, weak and desperate for a love that can never be he is transformed into a vampire by Ecaterina.
Starving and weak he finds out that he is a brujah vampire of the clan Prometheans.
Being informed of what he is he is quickly sent into action with his new colleague Wilhem .
They are sent to Behold Petrin Hill Monastery, Haven of the Cappadocian vampires, a clan that studies life after death.
Christof finds out about the story of Cain and Able a vampire story where Cain murders his brother and receives the gift of vampirism from God.
There he discovers that Mercurio a new born vampire sired by the leader of Cappadocian clan Garinol has deal a great deal of forbidden studies, that Garinol is against.
Garinol hopes that he can use the dark secrets that Mercurio had gained for the protection of his clan.
The many unsuccessful tries of creating a Golem had left him desperate for anything as he admits he lacks the knowledge of Rabbi Mordecai the Cabbalist.
After defeating Merurio Christof discovers that he took control of the golem from the Jewish quarter of the town.
He brings this important information back to Ecaterina who sends them to destroy the golem in hopes that they will gain favor of the cabbalists.
Christof and Wilhem defeats Maqqabah the golem and as a “Thank you” are rewarded with the Knowledge of creating golems.
He brings this knowledge back to Garinol and thus he re-enforces the alliance of the Prometheans and cappadocians and gains a new ally Serena.
During his slumber he dreams that his beloved was running from him and he bit her. He awakens to find out that she disappeared from the convent.
Confronting Ecaterina about this matter he discovers that she had a letter from Anezka where she said that she left the convent in search for a cure for Christof.
Being stubborn he insists of finding her thus arriving with Ecaterina in the presence of Prince Brandl a vampire of the Ventrue clan.
The Prince agrees to help only if Christof will bring the arm of Saint George from the cathedral of St. Vitus, a place where no cainite (child of Cain, a vampire) can enter.
Christof with the help of Nosferatu clan enters the cathedral of St.Vitus and takes the arm of Saint George.
Back to the Prince he discovers that the vampire clan named Tremere is abducting humans and vampire alike for their experiments in Viena.
Christof attacks the Tremere save Erik of the vampire clan Gangrel, from an evil experiment, thus gaining an ally and discovers from Ardan a high vampire mage of the Tremere that Anezka was there and studied with him.
Ardan says that he had sent Anezka to the Tzimisce clan unable to embrace her into his clan he hoped that she will be killed.
Anezka survived the Tzimisce clan and returned with the knowledge of Golconda an ancient legend that states that a vampire can be transformed back into a human.
Not knowing more she went to the leader of the Tremere Etrius to find more information.
After defeating Ardan, Christof goes to Ecaterina and tells all that he finds out.
After long debates she will give her approval to Christof to go and try to rescue his beloved.
There in Vienna he discovers that he cannot enter the place of Etrius without the help of Count Orsi a suspicious and aristocratic vampire that was dealing with slaves selling and buying.
Orsi agrees to help if Christof kills Luther Black a vampire that started to gain a lot of power from his faith and followers.
Christof arrives to the Lasombra clan (a vampire clan that had to misfortune of not being able to be seen into a mirror) and finds out that Luther wanted to die but he could not commit suicide.
After he helps Luther to die he finds out that all was a trap set by Orsi, he did not care or wanted to help him and so he imprisoned Christof.
With the help of Serena and his allies he escapes his imprisonment and finds out from Magus Orvus that the Tremere were once human mages that received the gift of Cain in order to obtain greater power.
Orvus believes that the Tremere tainted their souls by doing this and thus he is against them.
He agrees to help Christof enter their lair if he will bring back the journal of Etrius.
Orvus tells Christof that magic started to fade from the world and he wants to find out why.
Christof enters Haus de Hexe, lair of Etrius and finds the journal and confronts Etrius.
Etrius completes the ritual for Erik and transforms him into a gargoyle.
Having no choice Christof kills his friend and destroys Etrius.
He returns to Ecaterina to find out that the Tzimisce clan had slain Prince Rudolf Brandl.
Their castle Vysehrad was under siege and so Christof enters the castle with his friends .
Inside he finds his beloved Anezka, changed and discovers that the Tzimisce were planning to resurrect an ancient vampire that planned to conquer the world.
He tries to save Anezka from a collapsing pillar but he is trapped inside.
Now we find Christof again in the year of 1999 at the society of Leopold .
A 300 year old human that was a vampire hunter and had search trough the remains of Vysehrad Castle and found Christof’s body.
The coffin arrives with Christof inside and a sweet but powerful voice from Anezka awakens Christoff from his slumber.
Alive now Christof finds himself in a strange world and feels out of place.
He gets rid of Leo by destroying his vampire blood supply thus ensuring that he will eventually die of old age.
In the city he finds Pink and Lily allies that help him destroy the setite clan and heir leader Lucretia thus freeing Lily from their bound.
His travels bring him to New York where he destroys the Giovanni clan, a clan of vampire mobsters.
There he discovers that Pink was actually a spy named Adbul Al-Hazim a disciple of the Assamites.
Abdul sent Christof on a fools errant just to steer him of the trail of the resurrection of his ancient master Vukodlak.
Abdul disappears into thin air but Christof regains his old frind back, Wilhem.
He finds out that Wilhem joined the Sabbat in order to gain power against Vukodlak.
In his search he finds again Orsi and this time he throws him into a container of melted steel.
The clock strikes 00:00 and Vukodlak is resurrected.
Christof enters cathedral of flesh and finds out that Anezka has become a ghoul feasting on her master’s blood to gain more powers but becoming a slave also to his will.
Vukodlak asks Christof to become his disciple but Christof refuses and by killing Vukodlak he saves Anezka.
Anezka now in the arms of her beloved crusader is feeling her powers and life fading.
Christof gives her the eternal kiss thus making her his eternal love.

The end!

Here is episode 7 of my gameplay :

Here are some of the skills from the game:








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Thank you for reading my article and I will see you next time. Cynetyc Out!

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