Lion King 2 Unofficially Released on Sega Genesis

Lion King was a popular movie and it was a popular video game license. Officially, there was no sequel released on the Sega Genesis but that has not stopped an unknown Chinese developer from creating a pseudo sequel.

The Lion King II features a rather long introduction, something we didn’t see a whole lot of on Sega Genesis back in the day. Some games like Gaiares had cut scenes and were cartridge based but it was not the norm. The colors in The Lion King II are well chosen and even feature some nice shading, an effect that was not exactly well used on the Genesis in many games.

For a Chinese knock off The Lion King II is pretty decent, there are quite a few cheap hits, the screen doesn’t adjust correctly for jumps (you can’t always see platforms below you) and the controls are a little “off” (you can’t move after jumping). This is more of a preview of the game, just to let people know it exists. I will have a longer video soon.

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