Alien, er Organism, Set to Rock Commodore 64

Okay, let’s discuss the elephant in the room with Organism before we get too far into this article. The Alien movie franchise was, you might say, heavy influence for developers, Trevor Storey, Achim Volkers, and Saul Cross. There, we got that out of the way. There are differences between Organism’s take on the acid fueled creatures and that of Ridley Scott. Not many differences mind you, but still differences.


Organism is an isometric action adventure set in space – hey, I told you it was influenced by the Alien franchise, so you knew this was coming. Your goal is to set the self-destruct sequence of the station/ship you are on. You have no one to help in this quest as the rest of the crew are already infected and bloodthirsty inhuman things now.

The latest teaser video shows off a bit more of the game play you can expect – if Metroid was an isometric adventure it might have been like Organism. If you have ever played the Solstice on the Nintendo Entertainment System, then you have a clever idea of what to expect with Organism on the Commodore 64. Each room is self-contained bits of action or exploration with clearly marked exits. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

Fans of horror style adventures are hard pressed, especially on the Commodore 64. Organism is set to fill a certain void and that is great. That is what I want to see when I hear about a new retro gaming effort – is it just treading the same old path or is it beating a new direction through the forest? Organism is tearing a new path through the convoluted gaming world and that is perfectly fine with me.
Source: Indie Retro News

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