
Hello my fellow steemian, am happy to be here. My post is about how I choose a desire game engine in creating my video games. After lot of research on different website, watching YouTube videos on which game engine should I choose begin with, I finally found solution to my problem. I heard from lot of expert advicing beginners to chose unity as first and some will advice opposing in other way. I ended my research I learn many things from my research. Then I decided to go with unreal engine 4.
This are my reason for choosing unreal engine4 that I think it can be a great benefit for newbies in Game development.
Beginners Friendly
Although all game engine are not easy to create. I find unreal engine 4 as very easy for me depending on the game you want to create. Those three game engine are both used to create PC games and android games but Unreal engine is really dominant in PC games as many of popular game like fortnite are created with it
Blueprint advantage
unreal engine has visual scripting and c++ unlike unity and cryengine tha can only used programming language.when using blue print you don't need to write a code. This is a great advantage and you can create all your entire games using blueprint.Although there are limitation to what blueprint can do but for beginners If you want to things like visualization and architectural walk through blue print will be excellent for that. Graphics
When we are talking about graphics unreal is the best.Many high graphics PC games are made with this game engine. It's also used in making high graphics animation, cartoons unlike unity and cryengine
If you want to choose a game engine you can rely heavily on what type of game you want to create, and what platform you want to launch on there is also another very essential factor to be aware of , depending on your money may be the deciding factor of whether to choose Unreal Engine 4 or Unity. If you're an aspiring game developer just wanting to learn how to make games, and get your feet wet then you probably don't have large sums of money to drop. The pricing of a game engine can be a huge selling point for any developer. If you eventually want to launch your game there's also some Important things to follow.Unity offers a completely free version ready for download. If you're just wanting to get started this can be a great option for you. While it certainly doesn't have all the features that Unity Pro has it's still capable of making excellent games without you having to ever spend a dime. You can't really get much better than free. If you want to upgrade to Unity Pro, this can be a bit pricey. You can buy the program outright for $1,500, or pay $75/month, while those payments may seem steep, especially for someone just wanting to start out. If you ever want to publish your game you don't have to pay any royalties to Unity. If you're a larger developer this can be a big enticement for you. However, you do have to pay another $1,500 per mobile platform that you publish on. But for Unreal Engine 4 there aren't Pro or Free versions.Unreal Engine 4 is completely free. Everything is under one roof, and you will still get access to everything the game engine has to offer, without any cost to you. Now, Unreal Engine 4 has royalty fees of 5%. So any money you make off your game, Epic Games gets 5% of everything you earn, including in-app purchases, in-game ads and the price of the game. Unreal Engine 4 is also completely free for colleges and universities. If you're a teacher then Unreal Engine 4 may be the most logical choice. Not only do you get Unreal Engine 4 free in your classroom, they also allow you to give UE4 to your students for their own personal use at their home during their time in school. If you're a student, you may already have free access to Unreal Engine 4, so ask your teacher! If you make a game you want to publish while in school, you still can, of course the 5% royalty is still attached. For cryengine everything is free but creating games with cryengine is not easy to sell for gamers due to some fund issue battling with the company that produced the game engine
This are my reasons why I choose unreal engine 4 over Unity and cry engine.

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