Crypto Space Commander MEA event postponed until 5/10/2018, GIVEAWAY: CSC Reaper Interceptor Ship!

Hello Everyone,

Unfortunately the MEA has been postponed.

As a programmer I know that bugs happen that can grind a project to a dead stop. Luckily for us it doesn't seem to be a huge deal and the MEA event will start on 5/10/2018 which is just a 7 day delay.

Here is the official post given in the CSC Discord channel.

"Hey all!

Sorry but got a little bad news about MEA launch today.

First off, I want to thank you for your overwhelming support and excitement for the upcoming Mining Expedition Alpha mini-game. This is something we really wanted to deliver to you today. Unfortunately, we're going to have to delay the launch of MEA until Thursday, May 10th.

We are delaying the launch for three reasons:

  1. We’ve uncovered several additional bugs in our last round of testing, and though they’re not show stoppers, they would affect the gameplay experience.

  2. After several rounds of play testing, we feel very confident that our gameplay flow needs to change, mainly requiring a re-launch of the game to change ships. If you have only one ship, it’s not that bad, but three or more ships can be very tedious to manage.

  3. The distribution of the ERC-20 resources needs an interface overhaul to clearly communicate the steps and provide a simpler way to claiming all resources at once.

After meeting with the team, we feel very confident that we can address all these issues by May 10th and have a bug-free launch by then.

Thank you all for the support you’ve shown us, and we deeply regret not being able to launch today, but we feel we’re doing what's best to provide an excellent gaming experience.

Thanks for your understanding!

I am happy that these issues are being addressed, personally I have a few ships and it would have been a huge hassle to completely back out of the MEA interface and load it back up every time I was going to send a different ship out.

I talked with Fazri again today 5/7/2018 and was assured that everything is going great and it seems like we are all set for this Thursday being the MEA launch.

Crypto Space Commander also released a video of the upcoming MEA interface.

Please note that this event was designed and programmed separately than the actual game and is not a accurate illustration of how the main game will look.


Now that we all know the lowdown on the MEA event I want to offer somebody a chance to win a Reaper Interceptor

The Reaper Interceptor is the Fastest presale ship and is a great starter. The ship comes with a upgraded FTL speeds, blueprints, alpha access, and unlimited loss replication.

To Enter for the Reaper Interceptor

  1. Follow me on Twitter:
  2. Like and RT my Tweet
  3. Follow, Upvote, Resteem
  4. Comment this post with your twitter link, eth wallet address

If you Have not yet had a chance to check out Crypto Space Commander I highly recommend checking them out.

  1. CSC Website:
  2. CSC Discord:
  3. CSC Telegram

You will find one of the most helpful and open communities I have experienced in a video game.

I hope to see you there and if you are interested shoot me a message on discord @TaavetiBSG and join my guild Dark Horizon.

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