Fun Teaching English Ideas and Games FREE!

These are games I have successfully used in the classroom and want to share with you. Let me know if this works for you or how you would change or alter the games it to fix your class!!

GAME 1: A world of sports
Language: What are you/they doing?, I'm/they're..... ing

This game has two phases;
DAY 1: They play a team-A team-B game in which the picture flashcards are on the floor upside down. Each member of the team has a piece of paper and a pencil and must run, get a card, fly back to their team table and write a sentence. (She's doing karate, They're rowing;...) The team that finishes first has a bonus point.
Then team-A goes to team-B's table and check their spelling and vice versa. Each correct answer will give them a point.

DAY 2: I'll have the pieces of paper in a bag and we'll play a musical chair kind of game.
The picture flashcards are once more on the floor upside down, I put on a track they've been learning and one kid standing next to me is the one that has the bag. When the music stops they stand on a card they chose and the kid next to me will ask randomly "what they're doing" not showing anyone the piece of paper until he/she finds the right one. But before telling anyone what the piece of paper says, they have to patiently listen to the answers. The kid that has chosen that card is out and that card too and is next to do the bag thing. All the kids standing next to me are allowed to look at the piece of paper. This way they get very excited and engaged with the game without getting bored.


Numbers and Vocabulary Race

I use the game to practice vocabulary and numbers 1-20. Divide the class into two teams and give each team a stack of number cards 1-20. Place vocabulary cards in a line between the teams or up on the board. Say a sentence involving one number and one vocabulary card. (eg. There are twenty hamsters.)

One player from each team has to find the right number card and take it to the correct vocabulary card, racing the other player. Whichever student does this first receives one point. Have the students repeat the full sentences for practice and repeat until each student gets a turn.


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