The beauty of Black Desert - Farmland and one of its dwellers

By now, you'll know I enjoy taking pictures of beautiful sights in nature. I've not been doing much of that lately though. Its hard for me to feel inspired these days. However, Black Desert Online has given me the option of shooting some beautiful images from inside its beautiful world and it has given me quite a bit of joy aswell. In this series, I want to share those images with you.

Previous parts
Velia 1
Velia 2
Castle ruins

In Black Desert Online, you will run across many farms.


Some grow potatoes, some hold bees, some grow pumpkins (including some evil ones), etc.


While traveling through the farmlands, I came across this little fella.


I did some research and found many people asking the same thing: "What the heck should I do with this sheep that I found?"

Indeed, you can pick it up and walk around with it on your shoulder, but where should it go? Where is its owner? Is anyone missing this poor little creature?


So far, all I've found out is that there is one quest out there where someone will ask to return a lost sheep to them. After that, nothing. I have not found this person yet and I do wonder if this person is aware that more sheep are wandering out there. Alone and lost, waiting for someone to bring them home. Wherever home is...


Sadly, I did not manage to give this particular sheep a new home. I had to put it down and be on my way. I'd like to think though, that it ended up in a place like the one above. A nice little farm, with a kind family to take good care of it.

Wouldn't that be nice?

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Black Desert Online is an online MMORPG. You can find more information about the game by clicking this link.

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