Queen of Pain Support!?


I had a game today where my team forced me to play support, which was fine, as I was, afterall a pretty decent support player. I ran a QOP support, which was not something very popular with my team, but I had played the role before so I was pretty confident about it.

Queen of pain as a support is really strong in the early game, this is because of her high base damage and strong skills, to keep opponent offlane heroes from interrupting the lanes. The hero also scales well in the game, having being useful in all early, mid, and even late game. The main premise is that I’ll get her first skill shadow strike into 2 levels when I’m level 3. Her first skill is insanely strong and if definitely one of the best skills for harassments in the early game.

QOP also has a very strong escape mechanism with a relatively short cooldown. I run my QOP with treads, Urn and Medallion (situational) for the mid game. Or I would go into veil if I could do more nuke damage and am feeling rich in the game. Overall, the kill potential still stays high even when being a support.

I’ll skip her earlier talents as her final talent at level 25 really shines as something strong for a support. I always go for the 1.5 second fear from her 3rd skill. It immediately disengages fights and messes up the opponents’ coordination, often times losing them the fight if ally teams are prepared enough.

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