IMGMR.COM brings their writing skills over Serenity #introduceyourself

Hi Steemit!

We haven't introduced ourselves properly yet, so here we are the IMGMR core team. We started using the steemit platform a few days ago as a test with a few of our articles just to see how everything would go. We understand this is a young community and there is not a lot of gamers so far but we want to be part of the building up phase when it comes to gaming news on Steemit.

About Us

IMGMR, officially went online in June 2011 and was created by gamers, for gamers. IMGMR stands for “I am Gamer” and “I Make Gaming My Reality”.

IMGMR is backed by a community of gamers that share both the love for games and information, and the company is dedicated to ship said information in various forms through online media, news, reviews, previews, and editorials to cover the latest in gaming, anime and comics, TCG, tech, and everything else to satisfy our readers.

IMGMR is run by Chief Executive Officer Nacer Mazzene and is supported by a committed team of unique and talented individuals set to produce content day by day. In addition to being active online catering to both the English and French market, IMGMR is notorious for hosting great events and tournaments.


IMGMR’s mission is to provide fans and readers with the most accurate information about current and upcoming developments taking place within the gaming industry. As your #1 destination, IMGMR is committed in offering updates in both English and French.

Our English staff members ( We will present the whole staff including the french writing staff in another presentation since we have new members and we want to make sure to include them in the french staff presentation.


is a DJ & Gamer by night, IMGMR's Senior Editor and PR by day. He loves to break the meta in his own way, and discover new and engaging games.


Smasher analyst and has sworn allegiance to Hyrule, Seif Mazzene is the Executive Editor at IMGMR. Big Fighting game enthusiasts including Melee, Smash Bros Wii U, Street Fighter and Pokkén Tournament.

Alex BL ;

Stand-up comedian, writer, youtuber and most of all : Gamer. Gaming is love, gaming is life.

Priscillia (on the left side of the photo of course);

English writer and editor for IMGMR. My heart is and will forever be in Hyrule. A Zumba Instructor by day and A Gamer Chick by night. I enjoy competitive and strategic gameplay like League of Legends, RPGs and much more. Behind this girly facade lies a inner geek with a big appetite not just for food but also for new gaming experiences.

How IMGMR started

I am Salim Aka Slimzz, The CEO of IMGMR . I started IMGMR back in 2011, I was all alone. Back then it was just me and my passion. A lonely guy enjoying video games but I lacked something in my life and this is when I started writing about all kind of stuff. At first it was about my personnal gaming experiences , bloging about the games I used to play and what were my opinions of them. Once I started developing a passion for writing I jumped into the news scene , it was a slow start indeed but I loved what I was doing! One day a guy approached me and told me he was following my gaming news site for a while and though that we could maybe team up and see how things would work. That guy was Seiif and from this day we started working together explanding the team slowly and here we are for a total of 9 members offering gaming news for both english and french readers!

How latest gaming journey at E3!

It was absolutely madness! We did go to E3 in 2015 but this years was the most amazing experience we've had in our lives. It's hard to describe it all in word but here are some photos ( which will include some members from the french team.. And yes we have gorgeous girls writing for IMGMR! ) We were not able to make it for the whole team due to the limited amount of funds but we will try and share the most with you!

Say Hi to Lydia! one of our french writer

Slimzz and Seiif enjoying the sun!

Here you can see the thug side of our crew, oh we are ready! :P

Our first video news update at E3 ; Lydia and Alex are going hard at it!

Team members photoshoot!

Anything sexier then a girl gaming? I doubt that!

Alright since we don't want to spam this post with photos let's stop here !

How we heard about Steemit

Well, We have been very active within the reddit gaming community with giveaways to attract readers toward us but the competition over there is BIG. One of our staff member actually heard about Steemit trough his interest for Cryptocurrency and reported this platform to me. At first I was wondering if it was real but who cared at the moment, if it could bring us a better flow of revenue or more traffic and new readers why not? But the best part here is the fact that we seem to be "early birds" I can't imagine were we would stand if we were the early birds in reddit when it comes to gaming! We hope to see Steemit grow bigger then reddit some day and have our name as the first Steemit gaming news team. That would be one great accomplishment.

We will end this for now and we hope you enjoyed this post, we will be posting more gaming news in the following days along with more pictures of our 2016 E3 trip!

Thank you Steemers!

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