Fe (PS4) : First time in a while that a game has made me angry

Not angry because it is difficult. I'm angry because I bought this game and also angry that the review scores are as high as they are on various sites.


My decisions on what games to buy on PS4 are dictated almost entirely by what is on special at the moment. The only exception to that rule was Final Fantasy 15 and I ended up regretting that choice.

Fe is pronounced "FEE" not "Feh" and that is a "why?? moment" that just gets me started on the wrong foot. The game looked unusual enough that I thought I would like it and the concept behind the game is interesting, but I think, quite poorly executed.


For starters, there is almost nothing in the way of a tutorial and there aren't even any controls mapped into the pause menu (Why TF would you do that?) and while I don't need to be mollycoddled into a gaming experience I would like to be given SOME information about how to play the friggin thing.

The environment at first appears to look pretty cool as you wander around a fantasy wonderland as this fox type space thing of sorts that sings or babbles to the other creatures of the planet in an effort to get them to help ya. It's cute at first but after a while (for me about 1 hour) it gets extremely monotonous. Also, there is never any sort of indication as to what you are supposed to do next, thankfully, the map tells you precisely where you have to go next.


Unfortunately, the entire world looks pretty much the same and there are no sort of territorial indicators on the map so while it is better than not having a map i would say it is only marginally better.

As i carried on I started to feel like the developers just completely copied the art style of Ori and the Blind Forest, which by the way is an absolutely fantastic game and one of my favorite platformers of all time.

Fe is cute and somewhat inventive but at the same time it is missing out on something that i find ever-so-important in a game that i pay money for: Fun. For me, this game is not interesting and because of the "everything looks the same" layout of the world I found myself lost like 90% of the time and needing to refer to the not-so-helpful map VERY regularly.

Since it is a platformer it is also very important to not fall in certain parts but the hectic way in which the camera is controlled makes this frustrating to accomplish as well. Many times i found myself needing to return to the starting point of some jumping area only to discover that I can't find the starting point because once again, the entire world looks exactly the same in every direction.

I like the idea of not having a bunch of words but you gotta at least tell us how to play the friggin game rather than having me push the buttons hoping to figure out what something does.

Overall, I don't understand that hype surrounding this game because I don't think it is good. I think it is boring, repetitive and despite not being difficult it is needlessly frustrating because of poor design and controls. I will not finish this game and the only reason I am not more upset is because I think I paid like $6 for it.

On a scale of "Urgh!" to "Wowsers" I am going to defy the general online consensus and give "Fe" an overall rating of.......


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