I <3 Game of Thrones... no, like seriously, I love it... I would marry it if possible. CALLING ALL MY GoT FANS!!!

So I think you are understanding that I love Game of Thrones, but I don't think you get the real depth at which I love the show (and the books). Let me put it this way, I have a tattoo of Lord Bealish's mockingbird sigil on my left arm (I will explain its meaning shortly). I like many was taken back with the drama, the story and the sexy time that is Game of Thrones; however, it is the dynamics of power that always intrigued me.

Each character is so relatable and yet they live in a world that is alien to our modern sentiments. Hell, for all we know they could be living inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber! But there is something so human about the whole story, so much so that even those you are supposed to hate cannot be considered entirely evil. I think you are beginning to deduce that I love a good BAD GUY in any story and so it should come as no shock that the "House" to which I adore are The Lannisters.

I fell in love with those blonde "devils!" for several reasons:

  1. Tywin Lannister "The Great Lion of The Rock!"

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Feared by many, loved by few, but respected by all, Tywin truly was a great leader. I know there are those that will say that Robb Stark was the better general, while that may be true it is also irrelevant, Tywin won. I know lots of you will hate on Tywiin for his relationship (if you can even call it that) with Tyrion, but Tywin was a pragmatist. Everything he did was done for the preservation of his family and his legacy. So I ask you who are we to judge?

  1. Jaime Lannister (just for the "tub scene" alone)

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That brings me to one of the most powerful lines ever uttered by any character "By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By what right?!" Right there in the scene with Brienne we really connected with Jaime's character on a human level. It made me reflect on the symbolism of the lion and what that means. The lion hunts because the hunt is what it is. As the king of beasts it doesnt wantonly maim or kill it takes action when necessary and who can fault it for being born what it is? By the same token Jaime and really all the Lannisters are victims of what they are and their actions are only a response to that. But to demonize them for that is unfair and that tub scene was the ulitmate retort of the lion, I think.


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It was at last year's Comic Con (I try to go every year). #NYCC

Now, I am sure you are wondering "If you love the Lannister's so much why do you have a tattoo of Baelish's mockingbird and not a Lannister lion?" I am glad you asked, you see even though I love the Lannisters I wasnt high born like they are. I was never taught how to fight like Jaime nor was I taught any life lessons from my father. Lord Baelish on the other hand, he is a self made man. He takes risks to have it all and he does it all with only the power of his mind. He pushed aside everything else for a dream and he learned the hard way that you need to be smarter than your opponent (especially if they are stronger that you physically). But my mockingbird reminds me of the pinnicle of all Game of Thrones quotes as far as I am concerned. It comes in the scene where Lord Baelish and Varys are talking beside the throne and they are discussing "chaos." Varys felt that chaos is a pit that would destroy the entire realm if allowed to conquor. Lord Baelish looks at Varys and says:

"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love, illusions! Only the ladder is real. THE CLIMB IS ALL THERE IS."

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I tell you with the utmost sincerity that I got chills hearing those words. They were so profound and true. At the end of the day, only the climb stays with us, the climb, the struggle, the fight that is what is truly real. So remember out there, when the cryptomarket rises and falls, when all hell breaks loose in the world and in life. Heed the words of Lord Baelish and remind yourself that chaos is a ladder and only the ladder is real.

There you have it! Why I love Game of Thrones, The Lannisters and the "ladder." COME AT ME BRO! LOL

Season 7 starts July 16th

#minowstowhales #GameofThrones #Lannisters #Chaos

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