Brace Yourself - New 'Alt Shift X' video is coming!

Woke up this morning to discover something superb.

As referenced in my earlier "GiftedGaia's Favorite Youtube Channel Subscriptions!" post - in my opinion - "Alt Shift X" offers the very best summations and fan theory discussions related to the 'Game of Thrones' Universe that I know of. The narrator does a great job at breaking down an incredibly complex World, and then giving the information back to you in a very digestible manner - covering both George RR Martin's writings as well as HBO's television adaption.

We can expect these videos once a week when the seasons are running - however in our current episode drought before the new season starts.. the Alt Shift X videos are noticeably absent. Imagine my skittish surprise upon seeing a new video listed this morning.

Posting for any Game of Thrones Steemian fans who may be needing dat GoT fix!

Major Spoilers if you're not caught up to the end of Season 6!

This video takes a look at where the last season left off for Danny - and speculating what will happen moving forward - in analytical contrast to the past historical lore of the realm. #HardCoreFanTalkStuff

Until next time: "Brace Yourself, for the Night is Dark & Full of Spoilers."

Hope you Enjoy Friends. Cheers!


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