Gamedev blog : My progress making a game for 2 game jam part 4 - 005

Hello, everyone.

Here is another post about my progress.
Well, the weekly jam has 1 day 16 hours left.

Previously on My progress making a game for 2 game jam:

The themes of 2 jams : Explore the Abyss and TEMPERATURE

Game idea: The game where the player gets his temperature down when he goes too deep into the abyss.

Last progress: enemy, token, merchant, skill, music, control screen.

My progress:

  • New dungeon boss entrance: a large room (width) with the new mechanics.

    dogchicken - opengameart | Luis Zuno (@ansimuz) - opengameart
  • A boss room: still not create a boss.
  • The sprite for the hidden chest.
  • Add more to game logic: limit dungeon so player have to go deeper to have dungeon with more room.
    Why need more rooms? The monster token value depend on the room number. For example 200m dungeon: last room has a chance of appearing a +36 token monster while 600m is +49 token monster.
    Monster in each room token value = room_number * room_number.
  • Add some more sound.
  • Fix bugs. This is when I realize : adding new things is easy but make it compatible with the rest is hard.

My plan:

  • Create a boss.
  • Heart (or something similar).
  • Warm up potion.
  • Some trolls.

Thanks for reading!

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