Gamedev blog : My progress making a game for 2 game jam part 3 - 004

Yes, I have barely finished my entry for the Godot Game Jam and upload it yesterday without any photos.
I just update some photos to it.
This version is not completed yet.

Previously on My progress making a game for 2 game jam:

  • The themes of 2 jams : Explore the Abyss and TEMPERATURE

  • Game idea: The game where the player gets his temperature down when he goes too deep into the abyss.

  • Last progress: dungeons, temperature, meter, some small things and a new gameplay discovered.

My progress:

  • Enemy added.

  • Token : You defeat an enemy, you get the token value of the enemy. Earned token in the dungeon will lose if dying. It will add up if go back to the entrace. There is a -hidden-

  • Merchant: with dialogue Screenshot_1.png

  • Kame.. , Lame.. skill added.

  • Music added.

  • Intro scene added. Where you learn how to move, jump, punch, kick... and the goddamn mechanics.

  • A failed attempt to create another dungeons with new gameplay discovered mentioned above.


  • Graphics:

    • dogchicken - opengameart
    • Luis Zuno (@ansimuz) - opengameart
  • Musics:

    • skymary -
    • Matvej -
    • levelclearer -

It does seem that I made a mistake before pack the entry version. So the game is difficult now. Player have to go back and in the dungeon to get enough token to buy a jump special. So, I dont post my game link here.
Since the Godot game jam submission is now ended. Now I will improve the game to join the remain weekly jam.
Thanks for reading!

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