Hide and Seek+net - Another game multiplayer I made on modd.io

Here is the link. http://www.modd.io/play/qgtlbtiQU

In the game you will have to find a place to hide. You can change into a plant pot, a TV or other things even map tile.
When the time is out, one of the players will become the SEEKER . That mean you have to find other hiders by shooting a net at them or the object that they transform into. SEEKERS have a goal, if they complete it, they receive 300 point at the end.
For HIDER when you transformed, you speed will reduce and you can wait until the timeout.
If you got caught, you could buy the seeker hat to become a seeker.

Currently, seeker is hard to win. I think there should be some team work like (I gonna seek the top, I gonna seek the botton...) in order for seeker to find all hiders.

If fails, you have to get to the center to get another net. If succeeds, you will get another net.

How to play

  • You can buy thing by press B, click to use the item. If the item is not selected, you can press 1 or click on the item in the inventory.
  • Press G to drop item.
  • Move with WASD and rotate with mouse.
    Anyway, have fun!
    Thanks for reading!
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