Game of Thrones So Serial TV Most Hacked on the Internet

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Since airing in 2011 ago, the popularity of Game of Thrones series continues to skyrocket. But apparently this also carries one negative consequence.

Game of Thrones became the most hijacked television series on the internet this year, as reported TorrentFreak, Friday (29/12/2017). TorrenFreak itself is a publication that specifically addresses the issue of file sharing on the internet.

Not only this year, 'title' most hijacked TV series on the internet has actually been held Game of Thrones for six years. There are even a number of torrent at the peak has been spread by 400 thousand people.
Game of Thrones has completed its seventh season aired in the middle of this year.

This is the record-breaking and most watched season. But at the same time, there were a number of incidents. One of them is the leak of the sixth episode on the internet before being played on television.

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