Reblog Lottery #48

Reblog Lottery #48

The rules are simple - upvote & reblog this post.
The winner gets a 60% share of the next reblog lottery post.

May the luckiest of all win!

Total participations: 27

Valid participations: 25
Valid participants: @chrisaiki, @catotune, @coinsallday, @sylmarill, @catotenor, @chaosmagic23, @henruc, @addnode, @jlinaresp, @beststart, @psyskiff, @eosdios, @modestscavo, @hellsveiah, @ecencypoints, @orkangel, @coolmidwestguy, @fjworld, @epiko, @riki1, @duckmotor, @cup-bearer, @memwuai, @partytime.inleo,

Invalid participations: 2
Invalid participants: @marriot5464 (not reblogged), @caleb-marvel (not reblogged)

1st place


Congratulations @catotune - you win & receive 60% * 85% vote percentage = 51% of this post!

2nd - 4th place


Congratulations @memwuai - you win & receive 5% * 100% vote percentage = 5% of this post!


Congratulations @modestscavo - you win & receive 5% * 95% vote percentage = 4% of this post!


Congratulations @hellsveiah - you win & receive 5% * 100% vote percentage = 5% of this post!

Top Voter:

Congratulations @chrisaiki - Biggest voter gets 2%

Additional rules:

  • users with less than 5 HP will not be able to enter the lottery (prevent spam / bot abuse)
  • users who vote with limited vote weight will only receive the percentage of the vote itself if they should win (example: user votes with 50%; winnings will be limited to 50%, rounding down - Math.floor)
  • the lottery will take place once a day, votes will be counted until the new post goes life.

Recent Winners (first places):


  • added check for banned users
  • Jackpot is 50% of HBD balance (all participants, based on voting percentage), other 50% will be powered up to upvote winners (as before)
  • renamed Joker to Jackpot
  • added reward of 2% for top voter
  • added JOKER system
  • added 2nd, 3rd & 4th winner who get 5% each
  • winners will now be upvoted


  • Winner Raffle
  • additional prizes
  • Fifth & sixth winner if the participation is big enough
  • new secret features
3 columns
2 columns
1 column