4 Heroes you should buy moba #game

It's the Four Heroes You Must Have, Do not Buy Martis, He's Not as Good as It Looks!

Leonanda Ferry - 11 February 2018

We always look forward to the presence of new heroes in Mobile Legends, but what if the new heroes appear in the near future and all have unique things that make you want to have it all? Do not be confused, through this article we make a list of priorities so that we can determine which Mobile Legends hero purchase!

With this article, we will try to help you no longer confused to determine priority which hero to buy first. This time we will discuss four heroes that will release, we will write in sequence from number one to four. Let's go directly together we see!


  • Angela you will easily get MVP title through assit points. Because of this ultimate skill from Angela that makes you become immune for a while because it goes into the body of your friend's hero.
    So it's fitting that Angela should be your first priority in deciding which new hero you should have.


  • For the second sequence the hero you have to buy when it is released is the fire mage Valir. We already know how broken this Valir through video and articles that we have ever reviewed. Valir will be very scary whether there is early to late game because of the skills they have.
    For the second sequence the hero you have to buy when it is released is the fire mage Valir. We already know how broken this Valir through video and articles that we have ever reviewed. Valir will be very scary whether there is early to late game because of the skills they have.


  • Now the third hero you can have if it has been released on this Mobile Legends hero priority list is Gossen. Indeed Gossen looks cool when we try in advance server. So what puts him in third place?
    First, the skill set that Gossen has is not too istmewa.He can teleport to the dagger he throws. This skill is almost similar to the hayabusa skill that can also teleport towards the shadow he has released.Then second, Gossen already get rework or nerf while he was still in advance server. This rework does not change completely but the damage produced by Gossen is not as big as before he was hit by rework.


  • The last hero from the list of new heroes you should buy and of course the last priority is Martis. Loh kok so min, he said Martis strong? Martis is strong, but not as strong as Alucard, Remember it's a good young man! Alucard is still the strongest hero of Mobile Legends.
    It is also one of the crucial factors that make Martis you must place on the last list of priorities which hero you will buy first. Martis price can be considered quite expensive, but what you get is not worth the price you spend.
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