Enjoy Game and earn unlimited money !

hey everyone this is Juliana
today I've got another really great
money-making app to share with you guys
this is actually really easy and really
simple but it's also really fun because
you are essentially making money by
playing a game so it's not like your
typical money making app where you have
to watch a video or take a survey in
this one you just play games and try to
get points by winning in the game and
once you have enough points that you can
cash out then you can get $15 in PayPal
or as an Amazon gift card I actually
have enough points in this app to cash
out so I'll be showing that to you guys
really soon in this video but before I
show you guys how this super fun app
works if you want more awesome
money-making videos showing you how to
mass a figure income online remember to
subscribe to the mole merchants youtube
channel now the app won't to show you
all today is called fish for money it's
available on both iOS and Android so
check out the link I'll be putting in
the description below to download the
app on your device alright so now let's
go on to the app itself so now that it's
loaded you can see here that the points
that you get are called pounds and right
now I have a little over 1 million
pounds which means that I can cash out
from the app and this won't go away
until I cash out so let me show you guys
the cash out process first before I show
you how to make money and how to gain
points efficiently using the app so you
can see here it says cash out for $15
and I just need to lower the line one
last time which is what you do in the
game in order to cash out so let me
press on this and look at that now it
says are you sure you're ready to cash
out if you select I'm ready you will not
be able to return to this screen so yeah
I'm ready and now it says how would you
like to cash out you get to choose from
either PayPal or Amazon so it's pretty
standard I personally prefer PayPal
because you can use that wherever you
want so now it just wants my email and
then it wants my paypal email
so let me do that real quick alright so
now I finished entering my email and let
me click on cash out right here so now
it should be loading and there now it
said success so it says there your
payment will be sent to you the next
seven days and in rare circumstances it
might take longer but I'm gonna get 15
dollars in my PayPal account just
because I was playing this game and I
got a million pounds of fish and in fact
I can show you guys the proof of payment
right here so as you can see my paypal
balance is at fifteen dollars and I
received it from apps at pay LLC which
is the company that created the
application that I'm showing you and it
says right there thanks for using fish
for money enjoy your hard earned free
money if you have the time give a review
etc but as you can see they were able to
pay me in about thirty minutes so it
wasn't that long and yeah you can
confirm that the date is today December
6th it's right there it's number six so
it was today and yeah they just gave me
15 bucks for cashing out alright so now
that I've shown you guys how easy and
simple the cash out process is I want to
show you guys the best ways to make
money and earn points using this app so
you can see there that now the total
pounds I have caught is at zero since
I've cashed out and the way your earn
pounds is by catching these fish so you
have like a fishing hook and you just go
fishing and you just try to catch the
fish with the most pounds so generally
those are the bigger fish and they'refish 2.jpg

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